Tag: destination development

Local artisans Vietnam

Local Artisans and Craftsmanship Revival Through Tourism

Artisan development and craftsmanship are important tools for local economic development and job creation. Tourism has helped restore and close the disconnect between rural and urban craftsmen and their networks and markets. The increased influx of visitors has provided artisans with a greater market presence and demand for their goods and services, pushing their craft businesses to new heights of success and sustainability.

However, there remains the potential for greater promotion of these economic activities within the tourism sector. As well as the preservation of crafts by bringing in opportunities to local artisans. By working closely with artisans, we can capitalize on and promote their existing traditions and artistic products. Let’s ensure that these valuable cultural assets are preserved and shared with a wider audience. Together, we will explore the dual benefits and synergies that emerge through local artisans and craftsmanship and tourism. Craftsmanship not only invites tourism and destination development through the authenticity and uniqueness of its attractions, but tourism also supports local artisans and cultural entrepreneurs, fostering shared prosperity. Join us in celebrating the resilience of cultural heritage and sustainable tourism. Discover how local artisans create a sense of identity, belonging, and community cohesion.

Preserving Heritage: Traditional Craftsmanship and Architecture in Old Cairo, Egypt

Celebrating Intangible Cultural Heritage

The year 2023 marks a significant milestone in the world of cultural preservation. We celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, adopted on October 17, 2003, by the 32nd session of the General Conference of UNESCO. Honoring cultural identities bridges the gap between different social groups. It also leads to upward mobility. This anniversary provides a unique opportunity for all to raise awareness about the diversity and richness of intangible cultural heritage and in fostering international cooperation.

What are Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage?

Cultural heritage is a broad term that includes tangible and intangible expressions of human culture:

  • Tangible cultural heritage refers to physical objects and areas with societal significance, such as archaeological sites, museum collections, landmarks, and, for example, the places that are listed on the World Heritage List. These can be preserved and transmitted to future generations through conservation, restoration, and education.
  • Intangible cultural heritage, on the other hand, refers to traditions or living expressions and practices. It includes performing arts, rituals and festivals, traditional knowledge and skills to produce crafts, and languages. Because intangible heritage is constantly recreated, it is transmitted through oral transmission, apprenticeship, and participation.

Shanghai’s Intangible Cultural Heritage: Handcrafting Traditions in China

Artisanal Preservation, Conservation, and Sustainability

As custodians of intangible cultural heritage, there is a need to grow the socioeconomic status of artisans. We need to protect traditions and promote the development of sustainable practices. Artisanal crafts play a significant role in conservation efforts by fostering ecological and cultural preservation. Traditional tribal crafts provide alternative income sources for local communities, reducing their dependency on forest resources for subsistence. This, in turn, helps mitigate the current social-ecological crisis while promoting the renewal of biodiversity and cultures.

Furthermore, maintaining cultural diversity in the face of growing interconnectedness and globalization can help with intercultural dialogue while encouraging inclusive thinking and mutual respect for other ways of life. Local artisans pass down their knowledge, skills, and craftsmanship from one generation to the next. Their work is not only about creating beautiful products. It’s about sustaining the stories, rituals, and practices that define who we are as a society.

Narrative Artistry: Unveiling China’s Vibrant Performance Traditions

Unlocking the Power of the Creative Economy

The creative economy, as a set of art and culture, design, and innovation industries, creates job opportunities and stimulates economic growth. It promotes entrepreneurship in the cultural sector, leading to an overall diversification of national economies. The creative economy contributes contributes just over 6.1% to the global gross domestic product (GDP), averaging between 2% and 7% of national GDPs worldwide.

Creative assets have untapped potential to deliver socially inclusive, competitive, regenerative, and economic benefits for cities and communities. Cultural and creative industries are at the heart of the creative economy and make cities more attractive places for both residents and visitors.

Understanding Cultural and Creative Industries

Cultural and creative industries are economic activities that enable culture and creativity to contribute to and promote rural-urban and socio-economic development. These industries safeguard local ownership and contribute to social cohesion at the grassroots level. They enable creative networks to develop and create opportunities for marginalized communities and individuals who are often economically excluded.

According to estimates from UNESCO, the cultural and creative industries currently provide nearly 30 million jobs worldwide and employ more people aged 15−29 than any other sector. Nearly half of the people working in the cultural and creative industries are women. This opens up new opportunities to address gender inequalities and women-focused investments.

Empowering Artistry: Women Crafting in West Bangalore, India

In 2021, the European Union expanded its Creative Europe programme, which now includes a budget of € 2.44 billion, compared to € 1.47 billion of the previous programme (2014-2020). The objectives of the programme are to enhance European cultural and creative industries, which, as expressed by the European Commission, include:

  • Architecture
  • Libraries and museums
  • Design and artistic crafts
  • Audiovisual, including radio, music, and visual arts
  • Tangible and intangible cultural heritage
  • Festivals and performing arts
  • Literature, books, and publishing

Tokens of Remembrance in Paris, France: Cultural and Creative Industries in Souvenir Craft

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) highlights the significant social impacts of cultural and creative sectors and industries, from supporting health and well-being to promoting social inclusion and local social capital. UNESCO and the World Bank have developed a Cities, Culture, and Creativity Framework to support cities in unlocking the power of cultural and creative industries for sustainable urban development, city competitiveness, and social inclusion.

Leveraging Tourism to Support Cultural Products, Values, and Heritage

Cultural and creative industries offer tourists an emotional experience that is different from tangible cultural heritage. Today’s high-value travelers seek authentic cultural experiences. Visitors want to go beyond just visiting landmarks and monuments. They want to experience the social practices that shape cities’ identities and cultures.

Fostering Tourism and Empowering Artisans

Cultural heritage and sustainable tourism preserve and celebrate authentic cultural expressions while fostering inclusive growth and community well-being. When tourism underpins cultural and creative industries, artisans are empowered. Their practices and customs are supported. This fuels economic vitality and establishes a relationship between cultural preservation and sustainable destination development.

Beijing’s Artistic Heritage: Handcrafts in China

Solimar’s Craft and Tourism Program improves the cohesion between the craft and tourism sectors. It does so by creating stronger linkages between the two along an integrated value chain. At Solimar, we recognize the dual benefits and synergies that exist between craftsmanship and tourism. By increasing access to the tourism market, artisans can grow their revenues and profitability. We thus link tourism demand with craft supply, creating direct linkages between craft and tourism experts and developing integrated marketing and promotion tools to help with destination planning. This, in turn, invites tourists and strengthens the networks and circuits in and around craft workshops. As a feasible strategy for local economic development, it allows the craft producer to build relationships with tourists. It also promotes and sustains traditional craft production practices.

The Importance of Diversification and Innovation in Destination Development

Handcrafts remain an important tool in traditional craftsmanship. Tourists often buy different products to take home as souvenirs or gifts. However, many tourists want to have a varied and rich experience that extends beyond handcrafts and towards gastronomy, performances, local costumes, traditional-style homestays, vernacular architecture, and all other cultural and creative industries that specialize in any particular tourism destination. This fills the hearts and minds of travelers with an emotional experience they will never forget when visiting a new destination. Let alone contributing to a longer stay, which means more spending and a higher rate of tourist satisfaction. Tourists now seek immersive experiences. This includes hands-on crafting, dancing with artisans, and cooking traditional food alongside locals, which promotes slow food and the value of leisurely dining over fast food.

Anhui, China’s Tea Festival: Savoring Tradition and Taste

The Culinary Tapestry of Experience

In the realm of tourism, gastronomy and cuisine hold a key role. The power of local flavors, recipes, and culinary traditions is remarkable. As tourists engage in these adventures, they not only savor the taste of a region but become part of the cultural narrative. Dining becomes an art form, and it is within this artistry that the emotional experience takes root. Travelers are filled with a profound connection to the destination, its people, and its heritage when they share in the preparation and enjoyment of local dishes.

Creative and Innovative Street Food Gastronomy in Hanoi, Vietnam

The journey shifts from being a passive observer to an active participant, shaping a more memorable and profound experience for all. The future of destination development lies in embracing diversity and innovation. Weaving together the threads of tradition and creativity into experiences that captivate and resonate with modern travelers.

The Way Forward and Recommendations

As we conclude our exploration into the revival of local artisans and craftsmanship through tourism, it is evident that the journey is rich with significance, promise, and optimism. Our understanding of the mutual gains and synergies created by the partnership between craftsmanship and tourism has illuminated the path to more inclusive and resilient travel. The importance of intangible cultural heritage cannot be discounted as we shift from a focus on tangible patterns to a profound appreciation for the customs, traditions, and practices that define identities and cultures.

Cities around the world must effectively provide the means and resources to promote the development of creative and cultural industries. The creative economy holds important outcomes in terms of urban regeneration, local economic development, and social inclusion. For tourism and social inclusiveness to be resilient, diversification and innovation in destination development are needed. Celebrating handcrafts, local costumes, performances, and gastronomy have become key components in providing visitors with immersive and emotional experiences.

In the ever-evolving world of travel, it’s not just about seeing new places but about participating in the cultural stories of communities. As tourists seek deeper, more meaningful connections, artisans and local traditions take center stage, crafting unforgettable experiences that contribute to a longer stay and higher rates of satisfaction. The future of tourism and destination development hinges on embracing the diversity, heritage, and innovation that local artisans bring to the table. As we move forward, let us continue to support and celebrate the local artisans who are the guardians of living heritage, ensuring that it thrives for generations to come.

Interested in how we can help you with artisan development and linkages? Contact us to learn more.

Innovations in Conservation Tourism: Pioneering a Greener Future

The world is teeming with natural wonders that we must preserve for the benefit of life as we know it. In the post-lockdown world, an increasing number of tourists have planned travel to contribute toward a greener future. We have developed a stronger appreciation and yearning for destinations offering unfamiliar environmental opportunities. The ominous warning signs of climate change have accelerated our desire for ”last chance tourism,” driving us to observe animals and landscapes in danger–and to do our part to protect those ecosystems.

Conservation tourism emerged from the 1950s conservation movement, originally aimed at protecting “nature from people.” However, the definition of conservation has evolved to focus on enabling all life to thrive rather than solely preserving nature from human influence. Conservation tourism can generally be divided into three pillars: 1) wildlife conservation, 2) environmental conservation, and 3) cultural conservation. Wildlife conservation centers on travel to see specific species in their natural habitats. Cultural conservation focuses on heritage sites, and environmental conservation deals with national parks or landscapes. Above all, these tourists travel with the desire to conserve and regenerate natural resources. An analogous term is ecotourism, defined by the International Ecotourism Society as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the welfare of local people.” The ecotourism umbrella includes researchers, birders, safari-goers, hikers, and anyone wanting to travel to see nature conscientiously.

Due to demand, organizations, governments, and businesses have responded with trailblazing innovations in conservation tourism in recent years. The European Commission will announce the winners for “European Capital of Smart Tourism 2024” and “European Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism 2024” in November-December 2023. The former, aimed at larger cities, was created recently in 2019. The latter was launched just this May and geared toward smaller market destinations. Both incentivize European cities to build and maintain their attractions, pioneering innovations in conservation tourism with a greener future in mind.

Pioneering Technological Solutions in Conservation Tourism

Technology and artificial intelligence are advancing rapidly in all facets of the industry, and tourism is no different. Cruise lines and airlines are pushing toward carbon neutrality and negativity. Artificial intelligence generates visitor data and helps travelers choose the cheapest and most eco-friendly modes of transportation.

1. Zero Emissions and Regenerative Tourism

On the customer’s end, websites like Google Flights can indicate flights with fewer emissions and sort through thousands of data points to find the cheapest available flights. This makes destinations slightly easier for tourists to access and harms the environment less. Ecolodges, accommodations that are generally more environmentally friendly (built with local materials, emit less carbon, source local food, have policies in place to reduce waste, etc.), have multiplied recently in well-known ecotourism hotspots such as Costa Rica, Bali, and Ecuador.

Even beyond striving to reduce or curtail emissions entirely, a new term called “regenerative tourism” has emerged in recent years. The regenerative tourist uses their vacation to revitalize and grow the environment they are staying in, including the local population, and participate in projects that better their lives. This is a step beyond sustainable tourism; it is the most beneficial extreme. Liberia’s Kokon Ecolodge, which opened in April 2023, is 100% solar-powered and designed to waste as little energy as possible. In addition, guests have the opportunity to participate in sea turtle population surveys, and the meals and employees of the lodge are all local. All of these details are designed to regenerate Liberia’s environment and economy. These days, travelers who want to “leave no trace” on the atmosphere and the Earth’s surface are getting more options.

2. Cruise Lines and Airlines

Hurtigruten Group, a Norwegian cruise line, unveiled a ship in 2019 that cut carbon emissions by 20 percent. This year, it has spent 100 million dollars on green upgrades to its ships that will cut more emissions. Air New Zealand is electrifying some of its planes. Turkish Airlines has made waves by pioneering a method to grow carbon-negative jet fuel from microalgae plants.

Carbon neutral cruise ship in Norway, an innovation in conservation tourism
As seen from a Hurtigruten cruise ship, the midnight sun illuminates the Norwegian coastline in a haunting glow. In the near future, this journey may be carbon neutral. Photo by Jacek Ulinski on Unsplash.

However, it is also important to remember that even with these initiatives, cruises, and airlines are some of the most detrimental forms of travel to the environment. Much of the airline/cruise industry’s new “carbon neutrality” is created by carbon offsets instead of making any meaningful reduction in carbon emissions. Instead of tackling the root of the problem, they develop new technology to mitigate its impact. A small minority are rolling out carbon-negative initiatives in truth, and even then, this perpetuates the notion that all we need to do to consume is to conserve. It prevents us from entirely rethinking our approach to conservation tourism and focusing on a model that benefits all.

Including Local Stakeholders in Conservation Tourism

Regenerative, sustainable tourism must include the environment but is not only geared toward helping the environment. One of the critical innovations in conservation tourism has been recognizing the value of invested local stakeholders. To preserve the integrity of a destination, one cannot simply prescribe a solution from the outside. To truly understand the needs of a place and those that live there, one must live for years in that place and face all of the challenges presented by coexisting with nature. These immediate challenges can obscure the greater good of long-term impact.

A Bengal Tiger in India. Innovations in conservation tourism have led local stakeholders to prioritize protecting them
A Bengal Tiger roams in India’s Kanha Kisli National Park. Bengal Tigers are the national animal of both India and Bangladesh and a major ecotourism draw. Photo by Vincent Van Zalinge on Unsplash.

For example, in countries with essential populations of big cats like lions and tigers, local livestock herders kill them because they perceive them as a threat to their most fruitful source of income. However, when unsustainable tourism, such as game hunting, enters the area, the natural populations of these wild beasts suffer, and so do the locals. To address this conundrum, one solution may be to encourage eco-tourism in which new businesses extend invitations seeking local involvement. While the locals no longer kill the big cats, their involvement in the solution allows them to benefit even more greatly from the predators running free than from preventing damages they might cause.

 Solimar International has been at the forefront of this innovation, pioneering community-based solutions in countries worldwide. Solimar worked with the Friends of Wallacea and the Guyana Tourism Authority to market their tours to intrepid ecotourists searching for adventure. Indigenous groups, such as the Warapoka people, organize these experiences to become self-sufficient in tourism as a critical income generator.

Local Stakeholders and Birding Tourism

Innovations in birding tourism allow locals to benefit when tourists spot a Scarlet Ibis
The scarlet ibis, a prized target of Central and South American birding tours. International birding tours are becoming integral to ecotourism in biodiverse, tropical regions as remote destination development grows and bird populations decline.  Photo by Jaime Spaniol on Unsplash.

International birding tourism can be as impermanent as the birds themselves. Bird species are in decline around the world. Without local enterprises or scientific resources, the communities around remote areas where rare birds reside have no incentive to study and preserve them. Parallelling other recent innovations in locally-driven tourism, the Audubon Society and the American Development Bank’s Multilateral Investment Fund have started an initiative supporting birding-focused guides and businesses in Latin America and the Caribbean. Piloting in 2017 in the Bahamas, Belize, Guatemala, and Paraguay, it analyzed where low-income areas and Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) overlapped. The results have been encouraging so far. It has now expanded to other countries in the Americas, including Colombia, the country with the most bird species worldwide.

Uplifting Less Commonly Visited Places

Another favorable recent innovation in conservation tourism has been the uplifting of less commonly visited places as ecological hotspots. This has always been a priority, but increased online resources and visibility inspire visitors to get more off the beaten path. With a strategic marketing plan driven by local stakeholders, locations previously starved of tourism can make a name for themselves as protectors of environments unlike any other. 

Solimar International has pioneered this approach, helping destinations get on their feet and establishing the foundation for sustainable conservation projects. In Tanzania, the northern parks receive the most visitors, so Solimar worked with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism in 2020 to entice them to the southern circuit of protected areas. Solimar is currently facilitating conservation tourism projects in the Sundarbans of Bangladesh, the world’s largest mangrove forest and critical terrestrial and aquatic life habitat. Solimar is collaborating with USAID and local communities in Liberia to develop and market its ecotourism industry.

DMO Development

Less commonly visited places, with good experience development and marketing, can begin to receive a steady flow of tourists and become more commonly visited. This is where Solimar International’s DMO development solution comes in. According to Solimar, the function of a DMO (Destination Management/Marketing Organization) is to manage tourism in a specific area in a collaborative way that promotes long-term sustainability. The presence of a centralized organization dedicated to tourism from within a community is crucial. From start to finish, it allows local stakeholders to have an important say in how their destination develops and builds a brand identity that complements their values. Destination Dahar in Southern Tunisia, ATKOMA in Ataúro Island, Timor-Leste, and Sugar River Region in New Hampshire exemplify this philosophy in action.

Elephant Falls Gola Liberia
Elephant Falls thunders in Liberia’s Gola Rainforest National Park, an expanse of pristine deciduous and evergreen forest it shares with its neighbor, Sierra Leone. Learn more about Solimar International’s Liberia Conservation Works project here.

Conservation Tourism is an increasingly important element of sustainable tourism approaches in actively contributing to biodiversity conservation, protection, and restoration. Although it has been around for decades, a perfect storm of leaps in technology, eagerness to travel, and concern for the environment have it flourishing before our eyes. We at Solimar International are proud to advance as a company and fulfill our mission of connecting cultures and driving global economic growth through supporting innovations in conservation tourism in the areas that need them most.

Want to learn more about the conservation tourism projects Solimar is currently working on to pioneer solutions for a greener future? Read more here!

Tourism for development

In a world that thrives on exploration and cultural exchange, sustainable tourism development is a strong force capable of driving positive change and fostering sustainable development. It’s indisputable that tourism provides a positive experience for the tourists themselves. Exploring new cultures and locales is transformative, but the benefits of tourism go far beyond just the tourist’s own experience. 

Tourism has proven to be a strong tool for developing countries’ economic and social development and acts as a cultural preservation method. This blog post intends to illuminate tourism’s transformative role in shaping a brighter future for both host destinations and intrepid travelers. It stresses the importance of tourism industry growth. 

Tourists connect after a shared experience
Tourists connect after a shared experience

Tourism and the Economy

Can tourism drive sustainable economic development?

A primary concern of any tourist destination is how broadening the scope of their industry will impact their economies on both national and local levels. However, recognizing that tourism is one of the planet’s largest industries illuminates the desire and necessity for countries to tap into this global market. 

Tourism contributes to job creation, infrastructure development, and economic growth. The World Tourism Association describes tourism as an “economic and social phenomenon” and recognizes how beneficial modern tourism is for developing countries and tourism’s role in local economies.

A study listed on the National Library of Medicine, expanding from 2003-2020, found that in most countries, tourism has a significant contribution to economic growth and that this economic growth has a positive impact on these nations’ tourism industries. This really illustrates the enriching cycle of economic growth that tourism can have, and when put into the context of developing countries, shows the opportunity for these countries to expand and develop in a positive way economically.

Tulum archaeological site, Mexico
Tulum archaeological site, Mexico

Tourism as a tool for economic prosperity

As previously mentioned, tourism is currently one of the planet’s largest industries. Some fascinating information about tourism’s contribution to national economies can be found on Solimar’s Websitee, such as:


These incredible statistics illustrate how widespread and important tourism is for the vast majority of countries on the planet. Part of Solimar’s mission is to stress the importance of a tourism presence in the world’s developing countries, as tourism has shown to contribute to a larger percent of national GDP’s in developing countries, marking the importance of growing and maintaining this industry. Careful planning and smart investment can sustain these nations’ economic development. The Cayman Islands National Tourism Plan is an excellent example of this practice; you can learn more about it here

How Can Sustainable Tourism Preserve Cultural Heritage?

When managed responsibly, sustainable tourism development has the potential to make a significant contribution to the cultural preservation of a region. Many tourists actively seek authentic and immersive experiences that allow them to engage with local culture and traditions. By attracting visitors to unique destinations and facilitating cultural exchange, tourism becomes a powerful tool that generates awareness, appreciation, and financial support for local traditions and heritage. 

This, in turn, incentivizes regions to actively preserve their cultural artifacts and traditions to benefit from the economic opportunities that tourism brings. By recognizing and prioritizing cultural preservation, destinations can strike a balance between tourism development and preserving their cultural heritage, ensuring the benefit of present and future generations. 

Mont Saint-Michel in France, A UNESCO world Heritage Site
Mont Saint-Michel in France, A UNESCO World Heritage Site

Official recognitions such as the UNESCO World Heritage Site title enable destinations to distinguish themselves as cultural tourism hotspots. These sites have been acknowledged by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as having exceptional universal value to humanity. 

Recognized for their cultural, natural, or mixed significance, UNESCO World Heritage Sites enjoy protection and preservation through funding and regulation. Moreover, this prestigious title significantly boosts tourism inflow. In fact, in China, having a site inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site leads to an approximate 8% increase in tourism inflow.

Solimar understands the pivotal role of cultural preservation as a catalyst for positive tourism growth. That’s why they actively strive to preserve and stimulate cultural heritage practices and sites. In Morocco, Solimar addressed the challenge of limited direct selling and personal connection between Moroccan artisans and foreign buyers by creating artisan and cultural heritage routes in Fez and Marrakech. These curated routes allowed tourists to visit artisan workshops, creating awareness of Moroccan culture and craft traditions. As a result, artisans could sell their products directly to consumers, bypassing middlemen. This project successfully promoted Morocco’s cultural heritage and craft traditions, attracting more visitors and boosting revenue for artisans and the overall tourism sector.

How Can Tourism Serve Community Development?

Tourism holds tremendous potential for fostering community development, positively impacting various aspects of a community’s well-being. Infrastructure development is one notable outcome of tourism. As destinations strive to attract visitors, they invest in improving transportation networks, accommodations, public facilities, and utilities. These infrastructure enhancements enhance the tourism experience and benefit the local community by providing better access to services and amenities, thereby improving their overall quality of life.

Public Trolley in Lisbon, Portugal
Public trolley in Lisbon, Portugal

Tourism can also have a significant impact on healthcare facilities. Increased tourist arrivals often lead to expanding and improving local healthcare services to cater to visitors’ needs and ensure their safety. This, in turn, benefits the local community by providing improved access to medical services and better healthcare outcomes for residents.

Education is another area that can be positively influenced by tourism. Tourism growth creates job opportunities, particularly in the hospitality and service sectors. This encourages the local workforce to acquire new skills and knowledge through education and training programs. Consequently, educational institutions may be strengthened, and vocational training programs may be developed to meet the demands of the tourism industry. In Solimar’s various projects, we prioritize workforce development through targeted training. This benefits individuals by improving their employability and contributes to the community’s overall educational development. 

Solimar recognizes the urgency of mitigating tourism’s impact on climate change to safeguard vulnerable communities dependent on tourism. Through sustainable practices and community engagement, Solimar strives to protect both the well-being of communities and the places they call home, ensuring a resilient future for tourism. 

Tourism’s Potential for Development

Tourism’s impact reaches far beyond the individual traveler’s experience. Sustainable tourism development serves as a catalyst for economic development, cultural preservation, and community growth. Solimar, recognizing the potential of tourism as a force for positive change, actively engages in projects that preserve cultural heritage, foster community development, and promote sustainability. By embracing responsible practices and engaging local communities, we can ensure a resilient future for tourism and create a brighter world where exploration and cultural exchange thrive.

To learn more about Solimar International’s current and past tourism for development projects, click here!

Blog by Thomas Freilich and Josette Apple

Pink cadillac car with tourists drives past colonial homes in Old Havana

The Secret Behind Thriving Travel Destinations

At the heart of every successful tourist destination, the essential role of tourism consultants operates like a well-kept secret. Their work is multifaceted and dynamic, shifting from one project to the next, each day offering a unique set of challenges. However, the proficiency they bring to international development, tourism, and marketing industries is irrefutable. As they utilize their broad knowledge and expertise, these tourism consultants carve a path toward prosperity for their clients, showcasing the undeniable importance of their role in shaping and promoting sustainable travel destinations.

A picturesque landscape of the Namib Desert.
Photo by Arne Smith on Unsplash

Picture this: 

You are scrolling through social media and stumble upon a sponsored advertisement.  It features a travel blogger playfully navigating through the vibrant, bustling streets of Istanbul or on an uplifting journey in a hot air balloon, ascending above the vast expanse of Namibia’s ancient sand dunes. Soon, you see signs of these leading destinations wherever you look. Your best friend’s parents just returned from their two-week trip to said country, or Netflix uploaded new content that contains historical, cultural, and travel insights into the up-and-coming tourist destination.

Curiosity motivates you to research the travel destination where you discover unique accommodations, adventurous tours with local guides, and local restaurants which serve authentic, mouthwatering cuisine.  All of a sudden, you find yourself at the airport convenience store stocking up on snacks and magazines before hustling towards the gate to embark on the trip of a lifetime.  You may wonder how you and millions of other tourists became inspired to visit the same tourist destination.  Why did this happen?  Who made this happen?  

The secret behind successful travel destinations is complex and cannot be attributed to one aspect.  Leading destinations require months of research, strategic marketing, leadership collaboration, and community involvement.  Large marketing budgets certainly play a role into their visibility, but in order to efficiently organize complex aspects of development and marketing tailored to the current situation of a destination, travel destinations may require the expert knowledge of sustainable tourism consultants who advise their clients on how to set themselves up for long-term success and sustainability.

What is the Role of Tourism Consultants?

Sustainable tourism consultants are creative professionals with expert knowledge in the tourism industry and destination management.  Their clients include destination management organizations (DMOs), airline and hospitality entities, local and national governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), stakeholders, and tourism boards and businesses.  By leveraging their expertise, consultants set the long-term vision and assist clients every step of the way.  Ultimately, sustainable tourism consultants act as catalysts for growth, assisting in the development and implementation of effective tourism strategies.

1. How to Research and Assess a Tourist Destination

The crucial first step tourism consulting firms will take is conducting thorough destination market researchThis includes gathering information from local stakeholders to understand the client’s assets, growth opportunities, key demographics, and how the client can extend beyond their vision.  At Solimar, our consultants present clients with a summary of our findings and insightful recommendations for further expansion based on our data-driven market research.

For example, sustainable tourism consultants play a crucial role in destination assessments to understand what inspires tourists from different demographics. By delving into a destination’s historical, cultural, and geographical stories, these experts can identify activities and experiences that appeal to a diverse range of travelers. By promoting sustainable practices, these destination assessments contribute to the preservation of a tourist destination’s unique charm and ensure that tourism benefits everyone involved.

A scuba diver explores ocean ecosystems off the coast of Saudi Arabia
Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

2. How to Brand a Tourist Destination

Within the tourism industry, all leading destinations have a captivating narrative that appeals to a variety of tourist demographics.  It is the sustainable tourism consultant’s role to effectively share the destination’s story across multiple marketing platforms.  

Destination marketing, or destination branding, is an essential ingredient in a travel destination’s success because it creates destination awareness, illuminates the destination’s attractive qualities, and utilizes market segmentation methods that tailor the branding approach to the tourist demographics, which will yield the best results.  

Consider a destination that seeks to brand a specific stretch of its coastline as the ultimate hub for adventure watersports. To achieve this, the destination will emphasize and promote local businesses offering scuba diving and deep-sea fishing experiences, enticing thrill-seeking travelers in search of adrenaline-inducing activities.

The process of branding tourism destinations entails gathering essential details from these local businesses. Sustainable tourism consultants delve into their origin stories, unique selling points, and desired promotional approaches.  Next, the consultants will design and implement branding essentials, such as captivating logos, memorable slogans, and a compelling online presence.  Through a consistent brand story displayed across various platforms, they effectively communicate the area’s allure for adventure watersports, drawing in an audience of adventure enthusiasts eager to explore the exhilarating opportunities available.

3. How to Create Memorable Experiences for Tourists

All premier tourist destinations curate a variety of experiences.  For instance, Mexico is the 7th most popular tourist destination globally.  For international travelers planning on visiting the Yucatan Peninsula, they may begin researching the destination months prior.  Let’s say the tourist is a history buff; they can easily look into local guides who offer expertly designed trips to archeological sites such as Chichén Itzá.  

A local tour guide takes a group of travelers through Chichen Itza
Photo by Kentaro Toma on Unsplash

So, how do tourist destinations decide which products and experiences they will offer potential travelers?  With the guidance of sustainable tourism consultants, top tourist destinations will partner with local businesses to identify and market experiences that appeal to a variety of tourist demographics.  This entails working one-on-one with tourism businesses to design unique offerings, decide prices for their products and experiences, and forecast potential profit margins.  

For sustainable travel consultants, every detail is significant.  At Solimar, clients can anticipate a comprehensive business and product development plan encompassing evaluations of supply and demand, a sustainable business strategy to ensure recurring revenue, and a thorough training program for business owners, managers, and employees. Moreover, collaborative marketing strategies are expertly crafted to empower local tourism businesses to surpass their goals.  

A group of indigenous women from the Kavango region perform traditional styled dance
Photo by Datingscout on Unsplash

4. How to Understand the Benefits of Sustainable Tourism

A recent study conducted by Expedia Group Media Solutions revealed a growing inclination among international travelers to pursue eco-friendly and sustainable travel experiences.  With the increasing detriments caused by climate change and over-tourism, sustainable tourism consultants aim to inform destinations of how they can reduce the negative impact of tourism while increasing its benefits.  

  • Promotes environmental conservation:  Responsible tourism methods promote the preservation and protection of natural resources and biodiversity.  For example, eco-friendly accommodations will commit to sustainable operations such as using renewable energy sources, reducing water consumption, and implementing recycling and waste management systems.
  • Empowers the community:  Sustainable tourism practices benefit the local community by creating employment opportunities, funding education systems and infrastructure initiatives, and increasing the understanding of cultural diversity and equity.  Additionally, it empowers the local community by encouraging the involvement of the residents in decision-making processes and community-based tourism enterprises.
  • Preserves cultural heritage:  Sustainability is about celebrating the cultural backgrounds of the local people and maintaining their authenticity.  For instance, a sustainable tourist destination will promote authentic cultural experiences such as homestay accommodations, traditional craft demonstrations, and traditional performances which benefit those of that heritage.

If you’re wondering how to be a responsible tourist who supports sustainable tourism practices, you can opt for environmentally friendly transportation options, support the community by buying local products and tour experiences, book green and locally owned accommodations, and travel to lesser-known destinations.  

A women is bent down in a crop field participating in agritourism.
Photo by Zoe Schaeffer on Unsplash

Final Thoughts: The Role of Sustainable Tourism Consultants

Next time you come across a travel blogger’s captivating TikTok content featuring pristine beaches, picturesque villages, or impressive historical architecture, remember that a team of sustainable tourism consultants worked diligently with these destinations for months, if not years, prior to making it all possible.  Creating a thriving tourist destination requires attention to every detail. Tourism consultants play a crucial role in identifying the client’s unique voice and offerings that distinguish them from competitors. They establish a consistent media presence, instill successful business operations, and emphasize the significance of sustainable travel practices throughout the journey.

A wooden sign in the shape of a foot sits on the beach and represents the role of tourism consultants by stating, "only leave your footprints."
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

At Solimar International, sustainability is at the core of our approach. We firmly believe that successful tourist destinations are built upon a foundation of environmental and cultural preservation.  In a world where travel has become increasingly accessible and impactful, our team of tourism experts provides invaluable expertise and guidance to help our clients thrive.  To learn more about our tourism consulting services, visit website!

Tunisia, destination that uses situation analysis

What is A Situation Analysis?

Tourists at destination after successful tourism strategy
A successful tourism destination requires situation analysis.

Traveling to a destination can feel like an individual journey.  But, did you know that most tourism destinations develop thoughtful strategies to ensure their destinations attract visitors in intentional and measured ways? A tourism strategy is designed to highlight a destination’s best aspects, such as food and history, while also offering solutions to tourism challenges that a destination might face, such as limited infrastructure. A successful tourism strategy is a first step to making a country safe, educational, and enjoyable for travelers. Essential to every tourism strategy is a situation analysis that details the supply and demand of tourism to the destination along with the opportunities and challenges that a destination faces using techniques such as stakeholder interviews, online data analysis, and on-the-ground assessments. 

Why is a Situation Analysis Important?

The tourism industry is a critical source of  jobs and economic growth, as well as a decisive factor in a nation’s sustainable development. While a tourism strategy is necessary to help develop tourism, a cookie-cutter approach will not be effective at addressing each destination’s unique circumstances.  Thus, individualized situation analyses are critical for creating an effective tourism strategy. In this blog, we will examine some guidelines for performing an impactful situation analysis, as well as the use of situation analysis in one growing destination, Tunisia. 

Situation Analysis, as Explained by the World Bank

Analyzing data for situation analysis
Data analysis is a crucial aspect of conducting a situation analysis.

How do tourism practitioners go about conducting a situation analysis of a destination? Solimar International, for example, follows the strategy guidelines outlined by the World Bank, a global partnership dedicated to using sustainable solutions to combat poverty. Per the World Bank’s method, there are four essential steps to conducting a successful situation analysis.

  1. Project planning
  2. Desk-based  research 
  3. An in-country evaluation
  4. An analysis of their data to compile a report detailing both their research and conclusions

Each step requires complex research, discussion, and analysis. Within these guidelines, the World Bank also offers detailed suggestions on how to complete each step:  A situation analysis team must interview a range of stakeholders within a country’s tourism industry, everyone from artisans selling goods to travel booking agents. Desk research entails compiling and studying all documents relevant to the destination’s tourism, and the statistical analysis of comparing the performance of the country to similar countries.  This data must then be analyzed to identify the opportunities, challenges, and solutions surrounding the destination. Finally, the World Bank advises the team to use all their data, research, and analysis to create the final tourism strategy document. 

What Should be Included in the Final Report?

Because the main objective of a situation analysis is to identify both the biggest opportunities and constraints associated with a given destination, the report therefore must outline the destination’s offerings. These can include anything from thriving wineries to well-preserved cultural sites. However, the report must also acknowledge the challenges that were pinpointed by the analysis. Issues such as poor infrastructure or lack of safety can be major hindrances to tourism. In addition, a proper analysis should identify potential solutions to the constraints, and these should be included in the report as well. It is also crucial for the report to list key stakeholders in the local tourism industry, in addition to potential partners that may help to implement the plan. This detail ensures that the plan includes everyone who has a vested interest in helping the strategy succeed. 

Practical Application: How A Situation Analysis was Used in Creating Tunisia’s Tourism Strategy

View of Tunisia, destination using situation analysis
Tunisia is a beautiful destination for tourists to enjoy

Tunisia is a wonderful destination, with numerous activities for tourists to enjoy. It is rife with opportunities for successful tourism, from a Mediterranean coastline to historical sites. However, the destination is not yet on par with nearby destinations such as Morocco and Egypt. Tunisia receives approximately a million tourists per year, and the country hopes to grow its tourism sector. To achieve this, Solimar is currently working on the USAID Visit Tunisia program Tunisia’s tourism visibility. One of the program’s initial goals was to develop a national tourism strategy, which included a comprehensive situation analysis. 

To complete the analysis, Solimar interviewed major stakeholders in Tunisia, including those in the public and private sectors. It is critical to converse with stakeholders in order to understand the expectations for the plan’s results and to provide further insight into the destination’s current tourism situation. Extensive desk research was conducted this included comparing Tunisia’s data to that of competing countries, and reading previous strategies and relevant documents for Tunisia. Solimar also reviewed all available tourism sector data from Tunisia. Through this data, Solimar was able to better understand both the problems and advantage tourism faced in Tunisia. Finally, Solimar analyzed the statistics from Tunisia’s tourism sector. Using this data and analysis, Solimar was able to form a solid foundation of the country’s current tourism industry to inform the development of recommendations for the National Tourism Strategy. 

Interested in learning more about strategic planning for tourism? Be sure to like Solimar on Facebook to stay updated on our latest projects! 


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“We rely confidently on Solimar's deep technical experience and professionalism as tourism consultants. You always are exceeding our expectations.”
Leila Calnan, Senior Manager, Tourism Services Cardno Emerging Markets

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