Tag: Tourism Planning

Man from the Lacandon Indigenous community in the Maya Lacanjá Chansayab ecotourism area in Mexico.


Two women standing in front of a market stall that sells traditional crafts in Oaxaca, Mexico, showcasing a basic form of indigenous involvement in tourism development programs.
Two women standing in front of a market stall that sells traditional crafts in Oaxaca, Mexico, showcasing a basic form of indigenous involvement in tourism development programs. However, most of these products are not authentic and are sold as a response to uninformed tourist demand.

Indigenous involvement in tourism development is crucial

Picture this: cultural education and interpretation that breathe life into traditions, a vibrant marketplace brimming with authentic cultural treasures, the rallying cry of policy advocacy and representation, and the gentle footprints of ecotourism echoing through ancestral lands. Indigenous communities showcase some of the world’s richest and uniquely diverse cultures, a stark departure from the Eurocentric norms many people are accustomed to.  This captivating contrast is driving the surge in cultural tourism, propelling it as one of the fastest-growing segments in the industry. Within this realm, travelers seek encounters with gastronomy, heritage, religious sites, craftsmanship, and festivals, all offering a captivating lens through which to view the world. 

Similarly, according to a report by the TICAA Consortium, Indigenous communities around the world conserve around 22% of the biodiversity of the Earth and around 21% of the global land. This represents a more significant percentage than the land and biodiversity conserved by States, including federal lands and national parks. Several scholars agree that the traditional knowledge of Indigenous Peoples is valuable for land and resource conservation. Thus, their involvement in development programs, including tourism development programs, is essential. 

Tourism can stimulate economies, promote infrastructure development, and protect natural and cultural resources. However, it’s crucial to recognize its impact on Indigenous communities and the need for cultural connection. The reckless commodification of cultural assets alienates Indigenous communities, perpetuates cultural exploitation, and endangers biodiversity. Indigenous Involvement in the decision-making processes of tourism development and policy formulation is essential to ensure that the magic of cultural tourism benefits everyone involved, preserving authenticity and fostering mutual understanding.

Exploring Indigenous and cultural tourism

Indigenous tourism, a form of cultural exchange celebrating Indigenous cultures, relies on the active involvement of Indigenous communities. This involves cultural tours, homestays, art exhibitions, storytelling, and traditional activities. Examples of these include the Canadian coastal adventures curated by Abegweit Mi’kmaq Nation, the hiking tourism trail led by the Raramuris in Mexico, and the Daintree Rainforest experiences organized and executed by Kuku Yalanji people of Australia. When done correctly, Indigenous tourism goes beyond low-skill labor and contributes to the well-being and empowerment of Indigenous peoples. 

However, an example of how easily governments can exploit cultural assets without actively involving Indigenous Peoples is the use of prehispanic cultural heritage in the Maya area of Mexico where the federal government has approved the construction of several infrastructure projects such as Xcaret, offering the ancient Maya culture as an attraction (essentially, cultural appropriation), and where contemporary Maya people are usually only employed as low-skill labor. By reevaluating actions, utilizing international legal frameworks, and stepping back from a critical perspective, significant improvements can be made.

A representation of an ancient Maya ritual in the Xcaret Park that shows the involvement of indigenous people in the tourism program but can also be considered cultural appropriation.
The Maya ritual in Xcaret Park showcases indigenous participation in tourism, but may also be seen as cultural appropriation. Photo by Beth and Anth from Flickr.

Stages of involvement of Indigenous people in Tourism

For centuries, Indigenous communities have been participating in tourism. Initially, visitors commodified them for pleasure, but as awareness grew, they began exhibiting their artifacts and traditions. This phase led to the realization that preserving culture was crucial, but actions toward preservation often happened outside the communities. Today, Indigenous communities actively engage in tourism, sharing their culture and traditions with visitors, asserting control over their cultural and natural resources, and taking the reins of their own narratives.

International law, such as the International Labor Organization Convention No. 169 and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, recognizes and protects the rights of Indigenous peoples, including self-determination, cultural preservation, and involvement in land and resource decisions. These frameworks promote equality, justice, and respect for diverse cultures, and they have been the starting point of the involvement of Indigenous People in tourism development programs as agents rather than as elements of observation. In practice, challenges and conflicts may arise when balancing economic development with the rights and well-being of indigenous communities. Tourism development requires collaboration between governments, businesses, and civil society organizations to respect indigenous communities’ rights and ensure meaningful benefits.

Man from the Lacandon Indigenous community of the Maya Lacanjá Chansayab ecotourism area in Chiapas, Mexico.
A man from the Lacandon Indigenous community in the Maya Lacanjá Chansayab ecotourism area in Mexico.

Why Indigenous involvement in tourism development holds significance

We can acknowledge Indigenous communities’ autonomy by empowering them economically, socially, politically, and psychologically while recognizing their historical oppression. Thoughtfully planned and community-led tourism development can help achieve this change:

Economic empowerment: Tourism, including guided tours, homestays, artisan crafts, and local food, can provide Indigenous populations with a sustainable revenue source. It can also diversify sources of income, minimize reliance on a particular business, and generate employment opportunities within the community

Social empowerment: Tourism can help keep Indigenous customs and cultures alive. Communities are inspired to uphold their cultural heritage when tourists actively engage with them. Similarly, as Indigenous communities collaborate to promote their culture and oversee tourism-related activities, tourism can help them feel more united.

Political empowerment: Indigenous groups have greater influence in discussions on land rights and tourism development, given their rights to their ancestral lands and resources. This ensures federal governments consider their opinions in the policy-making processes.

Psychological empowerment: As Indigenous tribes share and are recognized for their distinctive traditions, tourism can increase cultural pride within those communities. When communities take control of their tourism projects, their sense of identity, purpose, value, and self-esteem can be strengthened. 

This empowerment is also linked to the conservation of cultural and natural resources. Indigenous tourism serves as a means to preserve and revitalize cultures by providing a platform for the transmission of traditional knowledge and practices to future generations. This can foster cross-cultural understanding, environmental stewardship, and the promotion of responsible tourism.

UNWTO Recommendations

Several means can achieve these measures, but the United Nations World Tourism Organization offers recommendations that should be considered:

  •       Respect for the cultural values and the cultural capital of Indigenous groups.
  •       Transparent and permanent consultation with the Indigenous communities.
  •       Equitable partnerships that ensure the protection and conservation of their natural and cultural resources, as well as their intellectual property.
  •       Protection of these groups to ensure the evitability of the adverse outcomes of any tourism development plan.
  •       Design of Indigenous tourism products in collaboration with Indigenous communities.
  •       Distribution of benefits to the Indigenous communities.

The active involvement of indigenous peoples in tourism development not only enriches the visitor experience but also serves as a powerful means to showcase their abundant cultural heritage and profound wisdom.

Local woman, with a colorful skirt, dancing with a basket on her head during the Guelaguetza celebrations in Oaxaca, Mexico, a festival that is known to showcase indigenous traditions and attracts a considerable amount of tourism flow.
A woman in Oaxaca, Mexico, participates in the Guelaguetza celebrations, a festival showcasing indigenous traditions and attracting significant tourism.

Indigenous knowledge: a path to a brighter, inclusive future

Indigenous communities, through their traditional ecological knowledge, can also play a crucial role in environmental conservation. Integrating indigenous perspectives into tourism planning can balance economic development with environmental preservation, prioritizing nature-based experiences and incentivizing indigenous communities to protect their natural resources. In this sense, circular tourism, characterized by reducing waste, conserving resources, and engaging local communities, is a great collaborative approach. This is a great first step towards creating more responsible tourism practices aimed at cultural and environmental conservation.

Indigenous voices provide novel viewpoints, ground-breaking concepts, and revolutionary programs. Any tourism development program worth its salt must consider Indigenous communities’ rich cosmologies and respect their roles as valued partners in the preservation of both culture and nature. They have long fought for their due status as caretakers of their cultural and natural heritage, and are the beating heart of a more inclusive and sustainable future for the tourism industry – a beautiful dance between tradition and progress.

Interested in learning about how Solimar recognizes the importance of Indigenous involvement in tourism development? Click here to read about our projects.

Pink cadillac car with tourists drives past colonial homes in Old Havana

The Secret Behind Thriving Travel Destinations

At the heart of every successful tourist destination, the essential role of tourism consultants operates like a well-kept secret. Their work is multifaceted and dynamic, shifting from one project to the next, each day offering a unique set of challenges. However, the proficiency they bring to international development, tourism, and marketing industries is irrefutable. As they utilize their broad knowledge and expertise, these tourism consultants carve a path toward prosperity for their clients, showcasing the undeniable importance of their role in shaping and promoting sustainable travel destinations.

A picturesque landscape of the Namib Desert.
Photo by Arne Smith on Unsplash

Picture this: 

You are scrolling through social media and stumble upon a sponsored advertisement.  It features a travel blogger playfully navigating through the vibrant, bustling streets of Istanbul or on an uplifting journey in a hot air balloon, ascending above the vast expanse of Namibia’s ancient sand dunes. Soon, you see signs of these leading destinations wherever you look. Your best friend’s parents just returned from their two-week trip to said country, or Netflix uploaded new content that contains historical, cultural, and travel insights into the up-and-coming tourist destination.

Curiosity motivates you to research the travel destination where you discover unique accommodations, adventurous tours with local guides, and local restaurants which serve authentic, mouthwatering cuisine.  All of a sudden, you find yourself at the airport convenience store stocking up on snacks and magazines before hustling towards the gate to embark on the trip of a lifetime.  You may wonder how you and millions of other tourists became inspired to visit the same tourist destination.  Why did this happen?  Who made this happen?  

The secret behind successful travel destinations is complex and cannot be attributed to one aspect.  Leading destinations require months of research, strategic marketing, leadership collaboration, and community involvement.  Large marketing budgets certainly play a role into their visibility, but in order to efficiently organize complex aspects of development and marketing tailored to the current situation of a destination, travel destinations may require the expert knowledge of sustainable tourism consultants who advise their clients on how to set themselves up for long-term success and sustainability.

What is the Role of Tourism Consultants?

Sustainable tourism consultants are creative professionals with expert knowledge in the tourism industry and destination management.  Their clients include destination management organizations (DMOs), airline and hospitality entities, local and national governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), stakeholders, and tourism boards and businesses.  By leveraging their expertise, consultants set the long-term vision and assist clients every step of the way.  Ultimately, sustainable tourism consultants act as catalysts for growth, assisting in the development and implementation of effective tourism strategies.

1. How to Research and Assess a Tourist Destination

The crucial first step tourism consulting firms will take is conducting thorough destination market researchThis includes gathering information from local stakeholders to understand the client’s assets, growth opportunities, key demographics, and how the client can extend beyond their vision.  At Solimar, our consultants present clients with a summary of our findings and insightful recommendations for further expansion based on our data-driven market research.

For example, sustainable tourism consultants play a crucial role in destination assessments to understand what inspires tourists from different demographics. By delving into a destination’s historical, cultural, and geographical stories, these experts can identify activities and experiences that appeal to a diverse range of travelers. By promoting sustainable practices, these destination assessments contribute to the preservation of a tourist destination’s unique charm and ensure that tourism benefits everyone involved.

A scuba diver explores ocean ecosystems off the coast of Saudi Arabia
Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

2. How to Brand a Tourist Destination

Within the tourism industry, all leading destinations have a captivating narrative that appeals to a variety of tourist demographics.  It is the sustainable tourism consultant’s role to effectively share the destination’s story across multiple marketing platforms.  

Destination marketing, or destination branding, is an essential ingredient in a travel destination’s success because it creates destination awareness, illuminates the destination’s attractive qualities, and utilizes market segmentation methods that tailor the branding approach to the tourist demographics, which will yield the best results.  

Consider a destination that seeks to brand a specific stretch of its coastline as the ultimate hub for adventure watersports. To achieve this, the destination will emphasize and promote local businesses offering scuba diving and deep-sea fishing experiences, enticing thrill-seeking travelers in search of adrenaline-inducing activities.

The process of branding tourism destinations entails gathering essential details from these local businesses. Sustainable tourism consultants delve into their origin stories, unique selling points, and desired promotional approaches.  Next, the consultants will design and implement branding essentials, such as captivating logos, memorable slogans, and a compelling online presence.  Through a consistent brand story displayed across various platforms, they effectively communicate the area’s allure for adventure watersports, drawing in an audience of adventure enthusiasts eager to explore the exhilarating opportunities available.

3. How to Create Memorable Experiences for Tourists

All premier tourist destinations curate a variety of experiences.  For instance, Mexico is the 7th most popular tourist destination globally.  For international travelers planning on visiting the Yucatan Peninsula, they may begin researching the destination months prior.  Let’s say the tourist is a history buff; they can easily look into local guides who offer expertly designed trips to archeological sites such as Chichén Itzá.  

A local tour guide takes a group of travelers through Chichen Itza
Photo by Kentaro Toma on Unsplash

So, how do tourist destinations decide which products and experiences they will offer potential travelers?  With the guidance of sustainable tourism consultants, top tourist destinations will partner with local businesses to identify and market experiences that appeal to a variety of tourist demographics.  This entails working one-on-one with tourism businesses to design unique offerings, decide prices for their products and experiences, and forecast potential profit margins.  

For sustainable travel consultants, every detail is significant.  At Solimar, clients can anticipate a comprehensive business and product development plan encompassing evaluations of supply and demand, a sustainable business strategy to ensure recurring revenue, and a thorough training program for business owners, managers, and employees. Moreover, collaborative marketing strategies are expertly crafted to empower local tourism businesses to surpass their goals.  

A group of indigenous women from the Kavango region perform traditional styled dance
Photo by Datingscout on Unsplash

4. How to Understand the Benefits of Sustainable Tourism

A recent study conducted by Expedia Group Media Solutions revealed a growing inclination among international travelers to pursue eco-friendly and sustainable travel experiences.  With the increasing detriments caused by climate change and over-tourism, sustainable tourism consultants aim to inform destinations of how they can reduce the negative impact of tourism while increasing its benefits.  

  • Promotes environmental conservation:  Responsible tourism methods promote the preservation and protection of natural resources and biodiversity.  For example, eco-friendly accommodations will commit to sustainable operations such as using renewable energy sources, reducing water consumption, and implementing recycling and waste management systems.
  • Empowers the community:  Sustainable tourism practices benefit the local community by creating employment opportunities, funding education systems and infrastructure initiatives, and increasing the understanding of cultural diversity and equity.  Additionally, it empowers the local community by encouraging the involvement of the residents in decision-making processes and community-based tourism enterprises.
  • Preserves cultural heritage:  Sustainability is about celebrating the cultural backgrounds of the local people and maintaining their authenticity.  For instance, a sustainable tourist destination will promote authentic cultural experiences such as homestay accommodations, traditional craft demonstrations, and traditional performances which benefit those of that heritage.

If you’re wondering how to be a responsible tourist who supports sustainable tourism practices, you can opt for environmentally friendly transportation options, support the community by buying local products and tour experiences, book green and locally owned accommodations, and travel to lesser-known destinations.  

A women is bent down in a crop field participating in agritourism.
Photo by Zoe Schaeffer on Unsplash

Final Thoughts: The Role of Sustainable Tourism Consultants

Next time you come across a travel blogger’s captivating TikTok content featuring pristine beaches, picturesque villages, or impressive historical architecture, remember that a team of sustainable tourism consultants worked diligently with these destinations for months, if not years, prior to making it all possible.  Creating a thriving tourist destination requires attention to every detail. Tourism consultants play a crucial role in identifying the client’s unique voice and offerings that distinguish them from competitors. They establish a consistent media presence, instill successful business operations, and emphasize the significance of sustainable travel practices throughout the journey.

A wooden sign in the shape of a foot sits on the beach and represents the role of tourism consultants by stating, "only leave your footprints."
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

At Solimar International, sustainability is at the core of our approach. We firmly believe that successful tourist destinations are built upon a foundation of environmental and cultural preservation.  In a world where travel has become increasingly accessible and impactful, our team of tourism experts provides invaluable expertise and guidance to help our clients thrive.  To learn more about our tourism consulting services, visit website!

Tunisia, destination that uses situation analysis

What is A Situation Analysis?

Tourists at destination after successful tourism strategy
A successful tourism destination requires situation analysis.

Traveling to a destination can feel like an individual journey.  But, did you know that most tourism destinations develop thoughtful strategies to ensure their destinations attract visitors in intentional and measured ways? A tourism strategy is designed to highlight a destination’s best aspects, such as food and history, while also offering solutions to tourism challenges that a destination might face, such as limited infrastructure. A successful tourism strategy is a first step to making a country safe, educational, and enjoyable for travelers. Essential to every tourism strategy is a situation analysis that details the supply and demand of tourism to the destination along with the opportunities and challenges that a destination faces using techniques such as stakeholder interviews, online data analysis, and on-the-ground assessments. 

Why is a Situation Analysis Important?

The tourism industry is a critical source of  jobs and economic growth, as well as a decisive factor in a nation’s sustainable development. While a tourism strategy is necessary to help develop tourism, a cookie-cutter approach will not be effective at addressing each destination’s unique circumstances.  Thus, individualized situation analyses are critical for creating an effective tourism strategy. In this blog, we will examine some guidelines for performing an impactful situation analysis, as well as the use of situation analysis in one growing destination, Tunisia. 

Situation Analysis, as Explained by the World Bank

Analyzing data for situation analysis
Data analysis is a crucial aspect of conducting a situation analysis.

How do tourism practitioners go about conducting a situation analysis of a destination? Solimar International, for example, follows the strategy guidelines outlined by the World Bank, a global partnership dedicated to using sustainable solutions to combat poverty. Per the World Bank’s method, there are four essential steps to conducting a successful situation analysis.

  1. Project planning
  2. Desk-based  research 
  3. An in-country evaluation
  4. An analysis of their data to compile a report detailing both their research and conclusions

Each step requires complex research, discussion, and analysis. Within these guidelines, the World Bank also offers detailed suggestions on how to complete each step:  A situation analysis team must interview a range of stakeholders within a country’s tourism industry, everyone from artisans selling goods to travel booking agents. Desk research entails compiling and studying all documents relevant to the destination’s tourism, and the statistical analysis of comparing the performance of the country to similar countries.  This data must then be analyzed to identify the opportunities, challenges, and solutions surrounding the destination. Finally, the World Bank advises the team to use all their data, research, and analysis to create the final tourism strategy document. 

What Should be Included in the Final Report?

Because the main objective of a situation analysis is to identify both the biggest opportunities and constraints associated with a given destination, the report therefore must outline the destination’s offerings. These can include anything from thriving wineries to well-preserved cultural sites. However, the report must also acknowledge the challenges that were pinpointed by the analysis. Issues such as poor infrastructure or lack of safety can be major hindrances to tourism. In addition, a proper analysis should identify potential solutions to the constraints, and these should be included in the report as well. It is also crucial for the report to list key stakeholders in the local tourism industry, in addition to potential partners that may help to implement the plan. This detail ensures that the plan includes everyone who has a vested interest in helping the strategy succeed. 

Practical Application: How A Situation Analysis was Used in Creating Tunisia’s Tourism Strategy

View of Tunisia, destination using situation analysis
Tunisia is a beautiful destination for tourists to enjoy

Tunisia is a wonderful destination, with numerous activities for tourists to enjoy. It is rife with opportunities for successful tourism, from a Mediterranean coastline to historical sites. However, the destination is not yet on par with nearby destinations such as Morocco and Egypt. Tunisia receives approximately a million tourists per year, and the country hopes to grow its tourism sector. To achieve this, Solimar is currently working on the USAID Visit Tunisia program Tunisia’s tourism visibility. One of the program’s initial goals was to develop a national tourism strategy, which included a comprehensive situation analysis. 

To complete the analysis, Solimar interviewed major stakeholders in Tunisia, including those in the public and private sectors. It is critical to converse with stakeholders in order to understand the expectations for the plan’s results and to provide further insight into the destination’s current tourism situation. Extensive desk research was conducted this included comparing Tunisia’s data to that of competing countries, and reading previous strategies and relevant documents for Tunisia. Solimar also reviewed all available tourism sector data from Tunisia. Through this data, Solimar was able to better understand both the problems and advantage tourism faced in Tunisia. Finally, Solimar analyzed the statistics from Tunisia’s tourism sector. Using this data and analysis, Solimar was able to form a solid foundation of the country’s current tourism industry to inform the development of recommendations for the National Tourism Strategy. 

Interested in learning more about strategic planning for tourism? Be sure to like Solimar on Facebook to stay updated on our latest projects! 


When it comes to tourism experiences in the United States, there is arguably none as large in scale or impact as the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail (LCNHT). The trail spans 4,900 miles and is accompanied by over 6,000 miles of driving routes across 16 states, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to the Oregon’s Pacific Coast. It is a trail equal in size to the distances from Anchorage to Cancun, from Paris to Mumbai, or from Cairo to Cape Town. Needless to say, the trail is massive, and has a potentially huge impact on any town or community it runs through as a result. 

The interesting part about the trail however, is that even though it is administered by the National Park Service, they own almost none of the land along the trail. Instead, the route is owned and operated by the stakeholders that call each place along the trail home. They are the people who can help better the trail, and, in turn, make the trail better for them and their communities. But who are these stakeholders? What importance do they actually play in the trail’s success? We hope to answer these questions as we discuss the roles these people have in one of the biggest tourism networks on the planet. 

lcnht landmark
Gateway Arch National Park, the former start of the Louisiana Purchase exploration

Who are the Stakeholders of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail?

Stakeholders are individuals or groups that have an interest in, or are impacted by, the decisions, operations, and success of a business. In this case, it is anyone who has an invested interest in the success of Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail. These stakeholders can range from federal government organizations to individual business owners. Most stakeholders for the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail fall into one of the following six categories: 

LCNHT stakeholders

1. States

The trail is split up into five regions. It begins in the Ohio River region, which includes Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. It continues through the Missouri Traverse region, which includes Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa. The trail then flows through the Great Plains region of North Dakota and South Dakota, and the Plains to Peaks region of Montana and Idaho. It finishes in the Columbia River region of Oregon and Washington. People from every state mentioned here collaborate to run activities along the trail, whether they are from official state tourism departments, state parks teams, or any other state-level government agency. 

2. Native American Tribes

The American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association (AIANTA) helps the project by leading the charge to promote native-owned businesses and communicate with tribal lands along the trail. The Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail passes through 15 reservations, as well as the historical lands of many more tribes that have since moved. Each tribe has interpretive centers, museums, festivals, and restaurants that all showcase Native traditions and their side of the Lewis and Clark story. The American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association is our valued partner in facilitating these relationships. 

native american tribal history is integral to the LCNHT

3. Federal Land Managers

The National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Forest Service, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service all oversee and manage land on the trail. Anytime the trail passes through a national park, national forest, or any other land operated by the federal government, these guys help keep it the healthiest and most thriving it can be. 

4. Volunteer Groups

Many local destination marketing and management organizations, interpretative teams in parks, or local museums are made up of volunteer groups working to bring people to their town. They do incredible work and are deeply passionate about their jobs. The LCNHT provides them with great opportunities to grow tourism in their hometowns and achieve their goals. 

5. Nonprofit Groups 

Nonprofit groups like the Lewis and Clark Trust and the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation work to educate the public and preserve the land and history of the trail. They contribute greatly to the interpretive information presented about the trail’s history. Many other local nonprofits that have a mission to solve a problem or promote a topic lie along the trail. The popularity of the LCNHT makes it easier to bring visitors to their communities and raise awareness for their causes. 

6. Private Sector 

Lastly, the private sector comprises all the privately-owned businesses along the trail. This includes hotels, bed and breakfasts, restaurants, gift shops, tour operators, wineries, breweries, and more. This is mainly made up of local residents who live along the trail, and they have a huge impact on its success. 

wineries LNCHT
Wineries are great businesses to feature on the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail

Why Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Stakeholders are Essential

As previously mentioned, the National Park Service may be advertising and managing the trail, but the actual attractions and points of interest along the trail are owned by the locals. This is a type of tourism called geotourism, in which the goal is to promote the unique character of a place. This is best done through local collaboration. People are usually proud and passionate about the place they live, or the community they are a part of. The Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail hopes to tap into that passion by asking the locals along the trail to help with its promotion and marketing. 

The main way of doing this is via the LCNHT website and its interactive map. The tourism team at Solimar International who operate the website know that a full knowledge of everything to do in every town along the trail is hard to have, if not impossible. The way they combat this is by having local business owners submit their business to be featured on the website’s map. Soon enough, the whole map will be filled with local spots to eat, shop, drink, and play. This gives a sense of authenticity to tourists, and economic and cultural prosperity to the locals. Research shows that local collaboration makes tourism destinations succeed and be viewed positively in the eyes of locals. Stakeholders of the Lewis and Clark trail are what make the trail what it is, and their collaboration is paramount to the success of it as a tourist destination. 

families hike the LCNHT
The Lewis and Clark Trail is an iconic cross-country trip, perfect for families

How You Can Get Involved in the LNCHT as a Stakeholder or Tourist

There is a lot of potential for the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail to impact communities around the United States in a positive way. If you or someone you know lives along the trail, the best way to get involved is to make an account on the Lewis and Clark Travel website. From there, you can submit local points of interest to be featured on our interactive map. The listing could be as big as a national park, or as small as your local small business. Other than that, it comes down to learning more about the relationships between communities and the tourism industry. Learning how to showcase your town, no matter how small, can help attract people from all around the United States and beyond. 

For more information on how communities and stakeholders can enhance the tourism industry (and vice versa), check out our blogs on community-based tourism, stakeholder engagement in destination planning, and how stakeholders embraced tourism in Armenia. We hope to see you all exploring the trail sometime soon!

emerging destination

Tourism destinations go through various stages of development, and during each of them, managers face issues and challenges that need to be addressed to guarantee the ongoing success of the destination. In this blog, we’ll talk about emerging destinations, explain what an emerging destination is, and discuss a few of the development challenges they face by using the Tunisian region of Dahar as an example

Free stock photo of adult, adventure, aircraft Stock Photo

What is an emerging destination? 

According to Butler’s tourism areas’ life cycle, depending on their development’s progress, attractiveness and competitiveness destinations go through various stages over time. These stages are namely: exploration, involvement, development, consolidation, stagnation, rejuvenation or decline. Emerging destinations are examples of the first two stages of this cycle. These are places with significant potential as tourism destinations, where policymakers and managers still need to make major efforts to turn the available resources and attractions into appealing tourism products capable to compete in the tourism markets.

Emerging destinations’ development challenges

It is difficult to position a tourist destination and keep it both competitive in the tourism market and sustainable in contributing positively to the local economy, community and environment. The setup of a successful destination is the result of combined efforts from local governments, stakeholders, communities and often, specialized external organizations too. The collaboration among all these participants is vital to producing a development plan focused on creating a tourism offer that is sustainable and capable of satisfying the needs of the tourists. However, this process may sound ambitious, and very often emerging destinations face challenges with:

  • Destination planning
  • Marketing strategy
  • Destination management

Destination planning

Setting up a destination is a complex process, and it can be overwhelming because various elements need to be considered to:

  • Understand the destination’s assets
  • Enhance the destination’s potential
  • Create goals to develop the tourism product

The most important part of planning an emerging destination’s development is creating a development plan. This plan comes to the aid of managers, as it includes:

  • An assessment of the available resources, such as the already existing attractions, services and infrastructure
  • An evaluation of the tourist profile
  • A strategy on how the destination needs to be developed and maintained.

To achieve a successful strategy, local stakeholders and communities must be involved in the process. However, it can be a long and slow process bringing together all the people involved, coordinating discussions and agreeing on the most suitable development strategy. This is especially the case in emerging destinations where there is not an organization supporting the process, such as a destination management organization (DMO).

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Destination management 

Destination management is another challenge faced by new destinations. Tourism can be first developed by the local or national government and tourism boards, however, it also needs to be constantly managed in order to be sustainable. Ideally, a skilled and knowledgeable team needs to be employed to establish a destination management organization in charge of:

  • Monitoring tourism impacts
  • Facilitating the involvement of all the local stakeholders
  • Producing and implementing the destination development plan
  • Branding and marketing the destination
  • One of the significant issues with DMOs is that they often lack funding, as they are often private organizations. When DMOs are not financially supported by governments, they need to find alternative ways to finance themselves to survive and continue to manage the destination.

Destination marketing

Marketing an emerging destination can be challenging, because tourism development and management are still in the initial stages. A marketing strategy is essential to promote the destination to tourists, therefore managers need to be aware that it has to be well thought out and planned in order to be efficient. Managers must:

  • Evaluate the type of audience they wish to reach out to
  • Take into consideration the advance in technology, and use it not only to sell the destination, but also to engage with potential visitors
  • Make sure the strategy is fully integrated by creating a marketing content schedule
  • Ensure sure that the marketing efforts are ongoing

Group of confident business people planning in creative office


Emerging Destination case study: Destination Dahar, Tunisia

Tunisian tourism is currently mostly concentrated in all-inclusive resorts along the coast, but the country aims to differentiate its tourism product to balance the economy within the country. As part of a more sustainable tourism strategy, the focus will be on supporting the development of more regions of tourism interest in different parts of the country. This will result in being extremely beneficial for the internal development of the country and its citizens, but it will also allow Tunisia to gain more competitiveness in the tourism market.

Dahar region

The Dahar is a region in southeast Tunisia, crossed by the sandstone mountain chain of The Djebel Dahar. This territory is known for its extremely arid and lunar landscape and is the most remote zone in the country. Because of this, it is one of the least populated and developed areas, and the least visited by tourists, both domestic and international.

Free Brown Mountains Under Blue Sky Stock Photo

Dahar’s arid landscape

Destination Dahar

However, this region is rich in history, architecture, culture and traditions thanks to the many Berber (Amazigh) tribes who adapted and lived here for thousands of years. The Amazigh heritage is unspoiled, and it offers an authentic tourism experience for travelers willing to move away from traditional coastal destinations. Because of its authenticity, Dahar was chosen as the first region in the Tunisian tourism diversification project.

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Traditional troglodyte caves, home of Berber peoples

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Inside a cave dwelling that has been turned into a guest house

The development of the FTADD DMO was financed by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and realized by SwissContact, through the Project Destination Sud-Est. The DMO was officially created in March 2018. It aims to build on the destination’s authentic heritage and offer authentic and sustainable experiences to visitors. Establishing the DMO and creating a destination plan was a success, and many local stakeholders and tourism business owners were consulted in the decision-making process and later on, involved in the development of tourism in the region. 

Destination Dahar’s efforts and great achievements were recognized by the Green Destinations organizations, and it was selected as one of their 2021 Top 100 Good Practice stories. The DMO won again in 2022, a remarkable feat!

Emerging Destinations: Destination Dahar

Through the Visit Tunisia project, Solimar is currently supporting Destination Dahar. Solimar will help to define the DMO’s marketing strategy, and to develop a business plan allowing it to carry on with its role of destination management in this emerging destination.

Destination Dahar marketing

The DMO needs support to create an appropriate marketing strategy to inform visitors about this new destination and its offering.  Solimar will be supporting the DMO by creating engaging digital content in order to reach a wider audience and tell Dahar’s story.

We have identified where and how this content could be improved, because currently, it is:

  • Mainly written only in French or Arabic
  • Not very frequent and regular posts on social media platforms
  • Lacking both evergreen and themed topics on the DMO website

Free photos of Online marketing

Additionally, to make it easier for the DMO and its marketing team, we’re working on suggesting a list of blogs and posts’ topics to write about, and creating a marketing content calendar that would help to plan better the digital content to produce and publish. 

Destination Dahar’s Business Plan

At Solimar, we are proud to be able to often assist destinations in strengthening and supporting institutions, and in the case of Dahar, proposals were made on how the DMO could continue existing and be financially stable

U.S. dollar banknote with map

As learned at the start of this blog, setting up and managing an emerging destination can be a difficult and long process, and many challenges need to be faced and overcome in order to guarantee the success of the destination. Collaborating with local stakeholders and the community is essential to establishing an appropriate developing plan. Ideally, overcoming the challenges can be easier if a destination is provided with a DMO that can concentrate all efforts on coordinating the resources to develop and manage the destination.

Check out the Solimar’s Institute for Sustainable Destinations and learn about all the courses available to learn more on how to develop, improve, and manage your destination.

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“We rely confidently on Solimar's deep technical experience and professionalism as tourism consultants. You always are exceeding our expectations.”
Leila Calnan, Senior Manager, Tourism Services Cardno Emerging Markets

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