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Picture related to tourism can aid destinations in addressing climate change

According to forecasts from the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the global tourism sector is anticipated to witness a substantial increase, with projections indicating a surge to 1.8 billion tourists annually by 2030. This growth underscores the pivotal role of tourism destinations in driving economic progress. However, the sector’s expansion is poised to be significantly impacted by the effects of climate change, both directly and indirectly.

This is the sunset view from the badaban ecocottage
Sunset view from Badaban EcoCottage (Photo Credit: Greater Sundarbans Ecotourism Society)

Tourism can exert a substantial influence on the environment, contributing to pollution, waste generation, and harm to local ecosystems and biodiversity. Meanwhile, climate change introduces additional challenges such as flooding, land degradation, loss of natural habitats, saltwater intrusion, diminished food resources, and heightened storm intensity. Tourism businesses can be catalysts in either exacerbating climate change-induced challenges or champions in helping communities and destinations address these threats head-on.

The pressing issue of climate change in destinations, exacerbated by escalating greenhouse gas emissions and resultant global warming, will be a defining challenge for the tourism industry over the next several decades. Consequently, the tourism sector bears a significant responsibility to champion environmental preservation and adopt sustainable practices to effectively address the challenges posed by climate change in the realm of travel and tourism.

In this blog post, we will discuss the significance of tourism in helping destinations address climate change. Specifically, we will explore tourism for climate change adaptation and mitigation, its role in decreasing carbon emissions, its impact on local economies, and its potential for promoting environmental education and awareness.

Tourism Destinations for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

Climate change presents escalating challenges to our planet. To effectively tackle this urgent issue, it is essential to implement two critical strategies: Climate Change Mitigation and Climate Change Adaptation.

Climate change mitigation endeavors to curtail greenhouse gas emissions, where the travel and tourism sectors play a pivotal role. The most important approach involves reducing energy consumption through enhanced energy efficiency measures and the adoption of renewable energy sources. Offsetting carbon emissions via carbon offset programs can also be an important strategy and one that has grown substantially in interest and scale over the past decade. However, it is important to note the significant criticism that carbon offset programs have received, and thus such programs must also come alongside significant and meaningful reductions in emissions from the source.

Numerous tourism enterprises are actively engaging in these initiatives. In regions like the Maldives, distant travel destinations, air travel significantly contributes to the tourism industry’s carbon footprint. Attaining Net Zero emissions poses a formidable challenge due to the complexity of eliminating carbon emissions. Nevertheless, some establishments in the Maldives, like Soneva Resorts, have implemented a successful mitigation strategy that targets both direct and indirect carbon emissions. Consequently, certain resorts strive for carbon neutrality by leveraging sustainable energy resources and participating in carbon offset programs.

Climate change adaptation, on the other hand, aims to fortify the resilience of societies, economies, and ecosystems against the existing impacts of climate change. Within the travel and tourism industries, efforts are directed towards safeguarding vulnerable ecosystems and enhancing adaptability. These efforts encompass activities such as coral reef restoration, ecosystem conservation, and sustainable tourism practices.

Many tourism establishments are embracing these adaptation strategies. As an illustration, they delve into pioneering coral restoration methods, such as the initiatives undertaken by Reefscapers. This organization collaborates with resorts to execute management and restoration strategies aimed at rejuvenating marine ecosystems and enhancing the appeal of tourist destinations. Additionally, these companies are actively involved in educating and supporting local communities to raise awareness and bolster resilience against climate change effects.

It is important to note that climate change adaptation and mitigation are two sides of the same climate coin: strategies must be advanced in both in order to secure a viable and just future for humanity. The travel and tourism sector actively contributes to addressing and alleviating climate change by employing diverse strategies. These include enhancing energy efficiency, implementing nature-based solutions initiatives to both absorb carbon and address societal challenges and promoting ecosystem conservation. Collaboration among tourism enterprises, local communities, and governmental bodies is deemed crucial in fostering effective climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.

* (Check Climate Change and Tourism: How Destinations Are Responding to the Climate Crisis (Part 1 & Part 2) other Solimar pages as well)

Contributing to the Reduction of Carbon Footprints while Preserving Nature

Climate change exerts a diverse range of impacts on various destinations, spanning from heightened occurrences of extreme weather events to shifts in natural landscapes. Prominent tourist sites are contending with unprecedented challenges, with coastal tourism proving especially susceptible to the repercussions of climate change. The imminent menace of rising sea levels poses a direct threat to coastal regions. Essentially, escalating temperatures, adverse weather patterns, and increasing sea levels are gradually eroding the essence of historical landmarks and cultural assets. Nonetheless, tourist areas can undertake diverse initiatives to curb carbon emissions while conserving the environment.

What are the various efforts being made to save nature and reduce carbon footprints?

1. Nature-based Solutions

Nature-based Solutions which is based on climate change
Nature-based Solutions (Credit: IUCN)

One first is Nature-based Solutions. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a global entity dedicated to nature conservation and sustainable natural resource management, has championed the concept of nature-based solutions. These solutions encompass actions that safeguard, sustainably manage, and restore nature while simultaneously addressing societal challenges. Nature-based solutions yield a plethora of benefits. They aid in climate change adaptation, mitigate disaster risks by offering protection against storm surges, combat coastal erosion, and even reduce insurance costs.  

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) play a key role in both mitigation and adaptation. When considering mitigation strategies, NbS offers significant potential for carbon capture and storage. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) notes that by 2030, NbS could contribute 30-37% of the cost-effective mitigation required to limit warming to below 2°C. NbS can effectively combat the effects of climate change by sequestering and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through ecosystem preservation and restoration efforts.

When considering adaptation strategies, Natural-based Solutions (NbS) provide crucial support for enhancing resilience against climate-related risks. For instance, coastal ecosystems such as blue-green algae and coral reefs in the Maldives play a vital role in safeguarding communities against storm surges and coastal erosion, thereby mitigating the impacts of severe weather conditions. These ecosystems offer essential services that can aid in climate change adaptation.

Tourism enterprises can advance Nature-based Solutions by investing in them to reap economic benefits, enrich tourists’ experiences, address climate change risks, fulfill social obligations, and collaborate with local communities. This strategic approach not only promotes environmental preservation but also bolsters competitiveness.

Moreover, Nature-based Solutions contribute to improving air and water quality, reducing disease transmission associated with habitat loss, and nurturing educational and psychological well-being. Particularly in island locales, the adoption of natural moisture retention methods can amplify soil moisture absorption and decrease marine pathogens. By embracing them, the dual objectives of reducing carbon emissions, conserving nature, and supporting local communities are efficiently met.

In the Maldives under the USAID Climate Adaptation Project, Solimar International recently supported the Ministry of Tourism in creating the first Climate Action Plan for Tourism in the history of the country. This Action Plan outlines concrete steps for tourism businesses to both mitigate and adapt to climate change through strategies like incorporating community priorities, diversifying business revenue, and investing in NbS via innovative climate financing schemes. You can read the full Action Plan here. 

* (Read the 2022 White Paper by Solimar International on effective nature-based solutions in tourism.)

2.  Supporting and Diversifying Local Economies

Tourism plays a pivotal role in bolstering local economies, thereby contributing to greater economic resilience. However, tourism can also cause dependence on the industry and make destinations more vulnerable to shocks like climate change. Thus, the importance of diversifying local economies through tourism initiatives is key.  Encouraging the consumption of locally sourced goods and services can lead to tangible enhancements in local economies. This approach not only generates employment opportunities within communities but also elevates income levels, fostering sustainable development.

The Maldives is one such successful example of climate change adaptation through the integration of community needs and priorities.

This is the Islands of Horsburgh
The Islands of Horsburgh (Credit: The Horsburgh Atoll Tourism Alliance)

Based on the Maldives Tourism Climate Action Plan, the allure of the Maldives, characterized by its pristine beaches and vibrant coral reefs, faces threats from climate change. Presently, many resorts and guesthouses in the Maldives encounter challenges in sourcing local produce, often resorting to external markets for essentials like tuna or seafood. While this may seem financially prudent initially, these supply chains are susceptible to climate change-induced disruptions, leading to escalating costs over time.

However, by emphasizing community experiences and locally procured goods, the Maldives can effectively ensure local destination resilience while revitalizing its local economy. Interdependencies among food security, climate change, and biodiversity are evident in the Maldives. Local resorts in the Maldives have championed locally sourced products through initiatives like local contract farming in regions such as Addu Atoll. Collaborations like the one between Addu Atoll and the Addu Meedhoo Corporate Society have facilitated local food production. The Maldivian government has also pledged support by providing agricultural resources and requisite training to cultivate selected crops on 40 key agricultural islands.

This is the picture of the community and culture in the Maldives
Community and Culture in the Maldives (Credit: The Horsburgh Atoll Tourism Alliance)

Integrating permaculture projects can tangibly sequester carbon, leverage carbon markets, cater to hotel guests, or introduce value-added products for sale in hotel establishments or spas. These endeavors have curtailed food miles and hotel carbon emissions, conserved local culinary heritage, and agricultural customs, and created employment opportunities for marginalized groups.

Moreover, concerning fisheries in the Maldives, numerous companies have collaborated with local communities to supply proteins like fish from neighboring islands. By engaging local fishermen to establish new markets for previously exported marine products, these companies have mitigated carbon emissions, facilitated robust supply chains, and promoted sustainable fishing practices.

The tourism sector plays a pivotal role in rejuvenating local economies by nurturing enterprises and human resources while safeguarding the environment. Tourism enterprises can bolster local economies by offering employment to community members and preserving local culture and natural habitats. This concerted effort not only addresses climate change but also cultivates a sustainable tourism model, fostering the development of local communities.

* (Check the Maldives Tourism Climate Action Plan to find out what is being done under the USAID Climate Adaptation Project in the Maldives.) 

Promoting Environmental Education and Awareness in Tourism Destinations

Environmental education is crucial in enlightening travelers about the significance of environmental conservation and fostering a consciousness for sustainable travel practices. Tourism operators can cultivate awareness among travelers by integrating environmental education programs before or after their journeys and disseminating information on sustainable travel practices.

Fundamentally, tourism is a conduit for advancing environmental education and consciousness-raising efforts. By integrating components that educate travelers on local heritage, ecosystem preservation measures, and sustainable lifestyles, individuals can develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the global environment.

Let’s look at specific regions like the Horsburgh Atoll and the Bangladesh Sundarbans, where we witness exemplary cases of environmental stewardship and sustainable practices.

1. Horsburgh Atoll (Maldives) (Horsburgh Atoll Tourism Alliance)

This picture is about Horsburgh Atoll
Horsburgh Atoll (Credit: The Horsburgh Atoll Tourism Alliance)

The Horsburgh Atoll, nestled in the Maldives, represents a treasure trove combining natural splendor and historical significance. With a unique ecosystem and historical heritage, the atoll is safeguarded and nurtured through environmental education initiatives. Emphasizing sustainable tourism, Horsburgh ensures the conservation of the atoll’s beauty while promoting eco-friendly tourism activities and fostering awareness of sustainable practices within marine protected areas. Furthermore, visitors can engage with local communities, delving into their distinct traditions and craftsmanship, such as intricate woven mats, wood carvings, and traditional Maldivian lacquerworks. These immersive experiences not only enhance cultural understanding but also underscore the interconnectedness and vitality of ecosystems.

Under the USAID Climate Adaptation Project, Solimar has supported the creation of the first Destination Management Organization (DMO) in the Maldives: The Horsburgh Atoll Tourism Alliance (HATA). HATA is a dedicated group of local tourism stakeholders committed to ensuring that tourism in the Horsburgh Atoll contributes positively to community benefits, environmental awareness, and climate adaptation. United by a shared vision, HATA brings together local businesses, conservationists, and community leaders to promote sustainable tourism practices that protect the atoll’s unique ecosystem while enhancing the livelihoods of its inhabitants. By enabling local communities to manage tourism on their terms and ensuring tourism is a force for the environmental education of future visitors, this model ensures that locally relevant solutions can be designed and funded to support climate adaptation efforts. 

* (Check Maldives’ first DMO, The Horsburgh Atoll Tourism Alliance to discover the enchanting Horsburgh Atoll in the Maldives)

2. Bangladesh Sundarbans (Greater Sundarbans EcoTourism Society)

This picture is discovering the Sundarban forests
Discovering the Sundarbans (Credit: Greater Sundarbans EcoTourism Society)

The Sundarbans region prioritizes alternative income sources to forest resource harvesting and ecosystem restoration endeavors. Exploring the forest, engaging with the local communities, and partaking in guided nature tours like forest hikes and boat trips are more popular among the activities available, all while lodging in environmentally-conscious accommodations. Through active participation in ecosystem revitalization projects, like planting native mangrove saplings, tourists directly contribute to enhancing the local ecosystem and partake in activities with positive impacts. Environmental education and awareness are fostered through immersive nature and cultural expeditions, providing interpretive knowledge on herbal plants, wildlife, and forest traditions during guided forest treks. Cultural walking tours enable visitors to explore local landmarks, temples, and cultural performances, including traditional dances and songs, thereby immersing them in the rich tapestry of Bangladesh’s coastal culture. 

The Munda people, an ethnic community inhabiting the Sundarbans mangrove forest region, maintain a profound bond with their natural surroundings and cultural legacy. Despite such virtues, this community faces obstacles such as restricted access to microfinance, benefits, and jobs, impeding their ability to adapt. In coastal Bangladesh, grappling with the effects of climate change, they encounter difficulties obtaining resources and livelihood opportunities. These challenges are often intensified during disasters such as cyclones, tidal surges, etc., that reduce agricultural and other production. Additionally, initiatives to aid them encounter financial limitations, impacting their capacity to maintain their livelihoods and access government support.

However, by engaging with this community, opportunities exist to introduce educational initiatives, and resource and capacity development projects that can facilitate community advancement. Moreover, endorsing sustainable business practices that capitalize on their distinctive local ecological knowledge, expertise, and traditions, along with partaking in Munda festivals and cultural gatherings, can bolster appreciation for their ethos and heritage. This approach nurtures mutual respect, opens avenues for their seamless integration within the broader local community, and reduces racial gaps. Consequently, visitors will be able to discover a cottage managed by the Munda community and learn about The Greater Sundarbans EcoTourism Society’s contribution to branding these cottages. This initiative aims to provide tourists with a genuine indigenous experience, promoting a better understanding of the interconnected relationship between local communities and their surroundings.

In tackling the challenges posed by climate change, the tourism sector can significantly contribute by empowering marginalized groups who often encounter social marginalization. By involving these communities, they can secure livelihoods and actively participate in climate resilience endeavors, thus improving their living standard. The pivotal role of the Greater Sundarbans region in supporting these endeavors cannot be understated.

* (Check out the Bangladesh Ecotourism and Conservation Alliance website  to discover more about the USAID Ecotourism Activity project in and around the Sundarbans Reserved Forest through the development, management, and marketing of sustainable tourism)

This picuture is the Sundarban Tiger in the forest.
The Sundarban Tiger (Photo Credit: Vignesh, Pexels)

Underscoring the significance of sustainable development through environmental education is imperative to strike a harmonious balance between local economic progress and environmental conservation. These initiatives play a pivotal role in fostering the sustainable growth of local communities and offering travelers a glimpse into the region’s distinctive culture and natural allure. By championing climate change awareness, preserving indigenous ecosystems and cultures, and providing immersive encounters, these endeavors significantly enrich the travel experience. 



This picture is the Badaban EcoCottages
Badaban EcoCottages (Photo Credit: Greater Sundarbans EcoTourism Society)

Another example of how locally relevant solutions can empower climate change mitigation and adaptation is the Sundarbans EcoVillages situated in the Sundarbans region of Bangladesh. The Sundarbans EcoVillages comprise multiple villages or communities rather than a singular location. This initiative revolves around community-based tourism, empowering residents to generate diverse sources of income from tourism activities instead of depending on unsustainable resource extraction from the Sundarbans for their livelihoods. By establishing eco-tourism initiatives rooted in community values, the region has transformed into a destination that encourages community involvement and enables visitors to engage deeply with the Sundarbans’ ecological and cultural marvels for extended durations.

Moreover, the communities serve as a hub for unique encounters, educational interactions, and cultural immersion, fostering a profound bond between the community and the natural environment. This community-based tourism concept actively promotes rural advancement and biodiversity conservation, offering guests various programs to rejuvenate the ecosystem. For instance, visitors can aid in ecosystem conservation by purchasing local artworks or engaging in a tree-planting initiative to cultivate mangroves around the EcoVillages.

These endeavors not only empower travelers to diminish their carbon footprint but also yield a positive impact in combating climate change, including mitigating global warming.

Conclusion: The Crucial Role of Tourism in Combating Climate Change

This picture is the Spotted deer in Sundarbans national park in Bangladesh
Spotted deer in the Sundarbans (Photo Credit: nicolasdecorte, istock)

In conclusion, the tourism sector holds significant potential in the fight against climate change. By emphasizing sustainable travel, reducing carbon footprints, backing local economies, and fostering environmental awareness, tourism enterprises actively contribute to environmental protection and climate change mitigation.

Also, tourism plays a pivotal role in climate change mitigation by bolstering local economies, preserving ecosystems, advocating environmental education, and endorsing sustainable tourism practices. The tourism industry can effectively combat climate change by championing positive environmental impacts while fostering community and environmental well-being.

Nonetheless, the sustainable future of tourism hinges on a collaborative effort between travelers and industry stakeholders. By opting for eco-friendly accommodations, embracing low-impact transportation, and making sustainable travel decisions, individuals can aid in building resilient destinations. Prioritizing community welfare and minimizing carbon emissions are crucial to achieving sustainable development goals.

The dynamic tourism landscape necessitates a transition towards responsible and environmentally conscious travel practices. Embracing sustainability, fortifying destination resilience, and enriching traveler education are key elements in safeguarding the future of the tourism sector. Today’s decisions will shape tomorrow’s travel experiences as we confront the challenges of climate change.

By comprehending the intricate interplay between climate change and tourism, we envision a future where exploration and conservation coexist, fostering widespread appreciation for the Earth’s natural wonders. 

We must all work together to protect the future of our planet.

benefits of sustainable certification in the tourism industry

Sustainable Tourism Certification: Steps and Benefits

In this modern era, where responsible travel is becoming more popular, the way we travel is changing significantly. Travelers are increasingly looking for authentic experiences that not only satisfy their desire to explore but also have a positive impact on the places they visit. This shift in traveler behavior is closely linked to the growing awareness of global environmental and social issues.  Explore the role of sustainable tourism certifications.

What Are the Key Modern Travel Trends in the Evolving Tourism Landscape?

According to the research of Expedia Group Media Solutions, today’s travelers are making increasingly mindful choices, with 90% actively seeking sustainable options when they embark on their journeys. These conscientous decisions encompass visiting local cultural or historical sites (46%), opting for environmentally friendly transportation options (43%), and venturing into smaller, lesser-known destinations (41%). Notably, travelers are willing to go the extra mile for sustainability, with over half expressing a readiness to pay more for sustainable transportation, activities, or lodging.

This growing interest in sustainable travel leads us to the concept of sustainable certifications. As travelers become more conscientious about their impact on the environment and local communities, they seek businesses and destinations that hold recognized sustainability certifications, which serve as indicators of a business’s dedication to environmental stewardship, community involvement, and ethical conduct, offering travelers the confidence that their choices align harmoniously with their personal values.

Community Engagement, Ethical Practices, Sustainable Management.
Choosing sustainable tourism companies is a way to be a responsible traveler (Photo Credit: Ketut Subiyanto)

What Does Sustainable Certification Mean in the Context of Responsible Tourism?

The essence of sustainable certification lies in a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Obtaining such certification necessitates adherence to well-defined standards and requirements that comprehensively cover aspects of environmental, social, and economic sustainability. This process is carried out by a reputable third-party organization recognized for its credibility in assessing and certifying sustainability practices within the tourism industry.

What Are the Essential Criteria for Achieving Sustainable Certification in the Tourism Industry?

The specific criteria for sustainable certification can vary widely depending on the organization or body that administers the program. However, common areas of focus for sustainable tourism certifications often include:

  • Environmental Conservation: Ensuring that businesses or destinations minimize their negative impact on the environment, including efforts to reduce energy consumption, manage waste responsibly, and protect natural resources.
  • Social Responsibility: Promoting ethical practices, fair labor conditions, respect for local cultures and communities, and engagement with and support for the well-being of local residents.
  • Economic Sustainability: Encouraging economic benefits for local communities, including job creation, support for local businesses, and contributions to the local economy.
  • Cultural Preservation: Promoting the preservation and celebration of cultural heritage, traditions, and practices within the destination.
  • Sustainable Management: Encouraging responsible management and planning of tourism activities to ensure long-term sustainability.
  • Consumer Education: Providing travelers with information and guidance on sustainable practices and responsible tourism choices.
 Certification Bodies, Environmental Conservation. Tourism certifications. Leading sustainable tourism orgaizations.
Top 10 leading organizations providing sustainable tourism certifications (Photo Credit: Tara Winstead)

These criteria are designed to be straightforward guidelines that consider what we’ve learned over time about how to protect the environment, support local communities, and make tourism more responsible. They provide a clear roadmap for businesses and destinations to follow in order to be more eco-friendly and socially responsible in the world of travel.

Exploring the Leading Organizations Offering Sustainable Certification in the Tourism Sector

Many different organizations offer sustainable certifications to interested parties. They create their own certification rules and focus on specific types of businesses. This process can take a while and can be costly because they need to make sure the standards match the unique needs of each group they’re certifying.The list below features the leading certification bodies in the tourism space:

  1. Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC): GSTC is a global organization that has developed criteria for sustainable tourism. They offer GSTC-recognized standards and certification programs for accommodations, tour operators, and destinations.
  2. Rainforest Alliance: Rainforest Alliance has established criteria for sustainable tourism certification, with a focus on conserving biodiversity, promoting community well-being, and reducing environmental impacts.
  3. EarthCheck: EarthCheck provides criteria and certification for environmental and sustainability performance in the tourism industry, helping businesses and destinations measure and improve their sustainability efforts.
  4. Green Key: Green Key offers criteria for certification of eco-friendly accommodation and restaurants, focusing on environmental management and responsible business practices.
  5. Travelife: Travelife provides criteria for sustainable practices in tour operators, travel agencies, and accommodations, covering environmental, social, and economic aspects.
  6. Fair Trade Tourism: Fair Trade Tourism has established criteria for ethical and responsible tourism, focusing on fair wages, community engagement, and cultural preservation.
  7. Biosphere Tourism: Biosphere Tourism offers criteria for sustainable tourism certifications, emphasizing sustainability in the tourism industry’s various sectors.
  8. QualityCoast: QualityCoast provides criteria for coastal and marine tourism destinations, focusing on environmental and cultural sustainability along coastal areas.
  9. TourCert: TourCert offers criteria and certification for sustainability in the tourism sector, promoting ethical business practices and social responsibility.
  10. Fair Trade Federation: While primarily focused on fair trade, the Fair Trade Federation also offers criteria related to ethical and sustainable practices within the tourism industry.

Who Qualifies for Sustainable Certification in the Diverse Tourism Industry?

Sustainable Certifications, Sustainable Travel Trends, Responsible Tourism. Tourism entities.
Tourism entities meeting sustainability certification criteria and standards (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

Sustainability certification in tourism can be awarded to a wide range of entities involved in the tourism industry. This includes accommodation such as hotels, resorts, and lodges, as well as tour operators, travel agencies, transportation providers (like airlines or car rental companies), and even destinations themselves. Essentially, any entity within the tourism sector that meets the specific criteria and standards set by a recognized certification body can be a recipient of sustainability certification. 

As we have mentioned, certification bodies often tailor their criteria to specific target groups. For example, Green Key primarily focuses on certifying eco-friendly accommodations and restaurants, while Travelife extends its certification standards to cover tour operators, travel agencies, and accommodations. The mentioned approach ensures that sustainability standards are precisely adapted to meet the unique needs and priorities of various sectors within the tourism industry.

What are the benefits of the Sustainability Certification in the Tourism Industry?

Sustainable certification plays a pivotal role in benefiting organizations or destinations within the tourism sector in several ways. The potential advantages are distributed among the company, communities, nature, and travelers. These benefits are outlined below.

  1. Environmental Conservation: Certification encourages businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices, such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, and wildlife protection, contributing to preserving natural resources and biodiversity.
  2. Community Engagement: Businesses with sustainability certifications often prioritize local communities by creating job opportunities, supporting local economies, and involving residents in tourism-related activities.
  3. Ethical Practices: Certifications promote ethical conduct by encouraging businesses to respect human rights, support fair labor practices, and engage in responsible supply chain management.
  4. Consumer Trust: Certifications provide travelers with confidence that they are supporting responsible tourism, leading to increased trust in businesses and destinations displaying these credentials
  5. Market Competitiveness: Certified businesses gain a competitive edge in the market, as they appeal to a growing segment of travelers who prioritize sustainability.
  6. Cost Savings: Sustainable practices often lead to cost savings through reduced energy consumption, waste management, and improved efficiency.
  7. Positive Brand Image: Businesses with sustainability certifications build a positive brand image associated with responsible and ethical tourism.
  8. Regulatory Compliance: Certifications help businesses meet and exceed environmental and social regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues.
  9. Long-Term Viability: Sustainable practices, encouraged by certifications, enhance the long-term viability of tourism destinations by preserving natural and cultural assets.
  10. Global Recognition: Many sustainability certifications are internationally recognized, allowing businesses and destinations to attract a diverse range of travelers worldwide.

These benefits not only contribute to the overall sustainability of the tourism industry but also resonate with travelers who seek responsible and mindful travel experiences. They can make more informed choices, ensuring that their travel aligns with ethical and environmentally friendly values. This enables them to enjoy travel experiences that positively impact the destinations they visit, fostering a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

How to Begin the Sustainability Certification Process?

 Sustainable Management, Tourism Industry, Sustainable Tourism Initiatives, Community Engagement, Ethical Practices.
Discover the process of obtaining sustainable tourism certifications (Photo Credit: Handmrts)

Initiating the sustainable certification process begins with readiness, a willingness to engage in a long-term commitment, and envisioning a clear future for the organization within the tourism industry. The steps can follow a structured and coherent sequence.

Step 1: Conduct thorough market research to identify a certification body that aligns perfectly with your organization’s needs and interests. For instance, if you are a travel agency, seek a certification body with well-developed sustainability criteria tailored specifically for travel agencies or tour operators.

Step 2: Initiate contact with the chosen certification body. Typically, they assign a dedicated representative who is keen on expanding their community. Often, they offer a 30-minute informative online meeting introducing certification criteria, duration, pricing, potential benefits, acknowledgments, and more.

Step 3: Many certification bodies provide a coaching system. As a beginner organization, you’ll have a personal coach who guides you through the steps. They’ll assist in baseline assessment, creating a sustainability policy, action plan, and other essential documents. The certification process often occurs online or through specific forms that need to be completed.

Step 4: Upon successfully completing all the required tasks and taking responsibility for future agreed-upon actions, your company will receive the certification and a badge that can be proudly displayed online.

Step 5: This step is an ongoing process that involves continually working on sustainable initiatives, integrating sustainability guidelines into your company’s operations or the life of the destination, and monitoring progress.

Step 6: After achieving initial certification, consider exploring advanced levels or additional certifications within the sustainability framework to further enhance your commitment and impact.

Step 7: Maintain a strong relationship with the certification body. Engage in regular updates, workshops, and collaborative efforts to stay informed about the latest sustainability trends and practices.

Step 8: Share your sustainability journey and successes with your customers, partners, and the wider community to inspire others and create a ripple effect of positive change in the tourism industry.

What occurs after the completion of sustainable certification?

Typically, after receiving sustainable certification, awarded companies or destinations embark on an active marketing campaign aimed at disseminating their achievements and alignment with sustainability criteria to as many people as possible. In a best-case scenario, this effort attracts the interest of responsible travelers, leads to numerous partnership proposals, and contributes to an overall enhancement of the organization or destination’s reputation.

Summing up the Impact of Sustainable Certification in Tourism

In conclusion, sustainable tourism certification is a pivotal tool in the modern travel landscape. Travelers increasingly prioritize responsible and mindful experiences, while businesses and destinations strive to meet these expectations. Sustainable certification bridges this gap, providing a clear path toward eco-friendly, socially responsible, and economically sustainable practices. It benefits not only organizations but also communities, nature, and travelers alike. Embracing sustainability in tourism not only safeguards our planet but also ensures that travel remains a force for good, leaving positive footprints on the places we explore.

Do you represent the destination of a tourism organization interested in being certified as sustainable? Solimar can help you to choose a certification program that suits your future sustainability goals. Contact us to learn more.

What is greenwashing?

What does greenwashing mean? 

Consumers are becoming more aware of the environmental and social impacts of the businesses they support. This trend is on the rise across industries, and travel is no exception. According to American Express’ 2023 Global Travel Trends Report, 76% of respondents are interested in minimizing the environmental impact of their trips, and 69% would spend more during a vacation if they knew it supported the local community. While this is a positive and promising trend, it can also incentivize businesses to design their marketing in a way that appeals to this key demographic without necessarily aligning their operations. 

Greenwashing definition: At its core, greenwashing is all about misdirection. It occurs when businesses apply a “green sheen” to their services with language they know will satisfy search engines and appeal to conscientious consumers without actually doing the work to drive positive environmental or social outcomes. 

Greenwashing example: A DMO uses vague or ambiguous language like “eco-friendly” or “sustainable” without clarifying what those terms actually mean in the context of the services it provides and the destination it serves.

Greenwashing can also show up in the imagery a business uses in its marketing materials. Photos and graphics play an important role in sustainability messaging and can misleading consumers if they don’t align closely with the claims being made. 

Greenwashing example: A hotel relies on non-renewable energy sources for heating and cooling but includes a photo of solar panels on its website to convey a more sustainable approach to energy fulfillment. 

How to identify genuine sustainable tourism practices 

It’s one thing to understand how to avoid greenwashing in travel, and another to understand how you can break through the noise to identify meaningful sustainable tourism practices to celebrate the companies, brands, and destinations that are deploying them. Asking the following three questions can help gauge whether an organization is culpable of greenwashing or implementing tourism practices that genuinely preserve natural and cultural resources. 

1. Are sustainability goals material to the organization’s operations and supported by a clear roadmap? 

When seeking out genuine sustainable tourism practices, you can start by looking for an environmental policy and a commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion (bonus points if the organization has set measurable goals for carbon reduction, biodiversity, or conservation). It’s worth noting that while these policies are crucial, the process of implementing them can be time and resource-intensive, particularly for small businesses. 

Additional signs that an organization is on the right track in its sustainability journey include commitments toward: 

  • Localizing its supply chain (i.e., sourcing local food and beverages) 
  • Eliminating single-use plastics (think key cards and toiletries)
  • Using renewable energy sources
  • Managing waste and water efficiently
  • Employing locals and outlining a progressive path for career development 
  • Advocating for animal and child welfare
Supporting sustainable agriculture and local farmers in Vietnam
Learning about and choosing locally-sourced foods can be a fun and effective way to reinforce sustainable tourism practices and support local farmers (Photo Credit: Laura Rankin)

Learning about and choosing locally sourced foods can be a fun and effective way to reinforce sustainable tourism practices and support local farmers.

If these types of commitments aren’t readily available via a company’s public-facing channels, don’t be afraid to respectfully ask about sustainability standards and the steps being taken to drive positive social and environmental action before, during, and after your trip. 

Some examples of the types of questions you can ask to better understand a company’s commitment to sustainability include: 

  • Are you taking steps to measure and reduce your carbon footprint? 
  • How do you manage food waste? 
  • Do you monitor and control energy use, especially heat and air conditioning? 
  • Do you reinvest profits back to serve the local community?
  • What are your key sustainability metrics? 
  • What are your sustainability goals for the future?  

Becoming carbon neutral by 2030 is an admirable goal, but it doesn’t really mean anything without a clear roadmap that details the strategies and metrics involved in achieving it. Genuine sustainability commitments require a detailed action plan as well as public-facing information on any progress made to date. 

Key takeaway:

Companies with genuine sustainable tourism practices go beyond talking the talk to walk the walk. Their marketing is in lockstep with their operations, and this is evident in the clear roadmaps they’ve laid out to achieve their sustainability goals. 

2. Are sustainability claims transparent and backed by data? 

Sustainability claims should be backed by concrete data whenever possible, and this quantitative information should be presented in a way that’s transparent and publicly available. Combining specific figures and evidence with written communications and marketing materials such as links, infographics, and statistics adds depth and credibility to messaging. 

Example: Rather than claiming to be “carbon friendly” and calling it a day, a tour operator ought to support the claim with data on emissions reduction over time in a way that is digestible and helps consumers understand the true impact behind the efforts being taken. 

Further, engaging expert auditors to validate sustainability data and reports can fortify credibility and demonstrate a commitment to integrity and transparency. Given the rise of greenwashing in an already saturated tourism market, it’s more important than ever to establish accountability and trust between companies and consumers. 

Key takeaway:

A vital step to avoid greenwashing is to ensure sustainability claims are backed by trustworthy and transparent data. This data must go beyond the individual organization to consider the entire value chain. 

3. Are sustainability claims reinforced by credible third-party certifications and standards? 

Established third-party certifications and standards that are backed by rigorous assessments and criteria can help to bolster the credibility of an organization’s sustainability claims. 

A few examples of credible sustainable tourism certifications and frameworks are: 

  • Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC): The world’s leading accreditation platform for sustainable travel companies
  • B Corp: Provides third-party validation of a company’s practices around social, ethical, and environmental impact and aggregates it into one overall score determined by the size and scale of its operations
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 17 interconnected goals established by the UN to transform the world by promoting prosperity while protecting the planet, reflecting the notion that ending global poverty requires a multifaceted approach
  • Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi): Drives ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling organizations to set science-based emissions reduction targets and a clearly-defined path to reduce emissions in line with the Paris Agreement goals

There are plenty of sustainability certifications and standards that exist on global, national, and regional levels. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and don’t know how to start navigating this space, you can begin by identifying what’s important to you. 

Example: If you’re passionate about ocean conservation, you can search for destinations and experiences that align with SDG 14: Life Below Water. 

View overlooking the Gulf of Thailand
Scuba diving is one example of a popular activity that provides travelers the opportunity to support businesses that are making strides to conserve and regenerate marine environments (Photo Credit: Laura Rankin)

Scuba diving is one example of a popular activity that provides travelers the opportunity to support businesses that are making strides to conserve and regenerate marine environments. 

It’s important to note that while certifications can help build trust between brands and consumers, they have their limitations and are certainly not an end-all. Certifications can be rigorous and expensive, and it’s important to consider whether an organization has the means to meet third-party standards. In some cases, a small business may be operating sustainably, but lack the capital required to secure certification. 

Key takeaway:

Certification can provide a framework for sustainable practices and a benchmarking tool for tourism businesses. However, it also requires significant investment, limits innovation, and is just one piece of the whole sustainability puzzle. 

Sustainable Tourism
Choosing organizations that are working to drive positive impact and being transparent about their journeys is voting for a regenerative tourism future (Photo Credit: Kyle Cleveland)

Support sustainable practices to influence the future of tourism 

Choosing brands, tour operators, and destinations that are working to drive positive impact for people and the planet and being transparent about their sustainability journeys is voting for a more regenerative tourism future.

When it comes to sustainable tourism, it’s important to stay curious, look at the whole picture, and understand that there’s no silver bullet solution. At the end of the day, it’s essential that brands, companies, and destinations are transparent about their hopes and plans – even if they’re just beginning their sustainability journeys. 

Traveling should be joyful, and it should also remind us that our planet is beautiful, delicate, and interconnected. Looking to credible sources, executing due diligence, and asking respectful questions can help you spot genuine sustainable tourism practices and contribute to the co-creation of a regenerative tourism future. 

Want to learn more about tourism for sustainable development? Get in touch, and be sure to follow along with us on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Tourism is not static. It ebbs and flows, along with changing cultures, preferences and tastes. Destinations often struggle with adapting to the dynamic mindset of tourists, however. There are a number of techniques to mitigate seasonality in strategic destination planning, but what exactly are these?

A little story, when I was eight, I experienced the impact of tourism seasonality for the first time. I went to Sorrento, a picturesque beachside town on Melbourne’s Mornington Peninsula. During my summer visit, I observed numerous tourists enjoying the beaches. They patiently queued up outside restaurants and ice cream shops. Additionally, all the stores were open, catering to the needs of tourists who were purchasing souvenirs and various items.

This time, things were different. Many shops were closed, including the ice creamery. There were a few restaurants open, but only half full. The beach only had a few individuals walking along the sand, and the ambience was more relaxed and mellow.

Maya Bay, a popular area in Thailand that had to be closed off due to overtourism and seasonality.
Maya Bay, a popular area in Thailand that had to be closed off due to overtourism and seasonality (Photo Credit: MikeClegPhoto/Pixabay)

“Mum, where are all the tourists?” I said,

“Not many tourists come in Winter; it’s too cold for the beach; it’s the low season.” Mum exclaimed,

“But, Sorrento has many other great activities to do, so it should attract tourists throughout the year!”

The idea that came to me as an eight-year-old is something that tourism professionals have struggled with for many years.

How can we tell tourists that there is no such thing as the ‘best season’? How do we tell them that our product is engaging and enjoyable outside peak times so that they keep coming? In addition, in some cases, how do we deter individuals from coming during peak times to prevent overtourism? These are the considerations needed to curtail seasonality in strategic destination planning.

What is the meaning of seasonality?

Seasonality‘s definition in tourism relates to the volatility of tourist numbers in a destination over time due to natural and institutional factors. Natural factors predominately include the weather and climate, which may affect elements of experience within a destination.

The cherry blossom season in Japan occurs in late March or early April. It is a well-known example of natural seasonality in tourism. Thousands of tourists come to see the cherry blossoms, causing airfares and hotel prices in Japan to increase significantly. 

Institutional factors are related to specific events which may occur at different times of the year. In my home city of Melbourne, Australia, a major example is the Australian Open. This is an annual major tennis tournament that attracts swarms of tourists both domestically and internationally.

Kinkakuji in Japan. Japan is a destination negatively affected by seasonality.

Kinkakuji in Kyoto, Japan, a destination that grapples with the effects of overtourism and seasonality. (Photo Credit: Kevin Li)

What is the effect of seasonality?

Seasonality’s effects on destinations can be far-reaching, affecting the environment, society, and the economy. High demand in peak times puts strain on locales and can cause long-term damage. In low seasons, tourism-dependent places may experience poverty, a decline in material living standards, and overall despondency.

Overtourism: Strain on local resources and services during peak season

During peak season, certain places get overwhelmed by too many tourists, which strains local services and infrastructure. This is what is called ‘overtourism’, which has been an issue affecting destinations for decades. This is a key development focus that Solimar International partners with destinations to prevent.

In particular, this has intensified in some destinations following the end of the end of COVID-19 lockdown. Overtourism heavily affects Venice in Italy and Barcelona in Spain, particularly during the summer months. These destinations have experienced environmental damage, alienation of local residents, and impacts on the capacity of local services. The impact of too many tourists can bother residents, making them dislike tourists more and worsening the tourist experience.

Overtourism can be so bad that it also threatens the local ecology, both fauna and flora. 

For example, tourism destroyed Thailand’s Maya Bay after the movie “The Beach” made it famous in 2000. This was particularly because the vast majority of tourists would visit the bay during Thailand’s ‘cool season’, meaning a concentration of tourists around this time period.

Tourists and boats damaged coral, causing marine animals like sharks to leave and the bay to lose its natural beauty. It took a major closure and regeneration project at Maya Bay to return it to its pristine glory.

However, even after these works, the area is still at risk. Some say that current efforts to curtail tourist numbers are not enough to protect it. There are calls to close Maya Bay off to tourists completely in peak season. The need for drastic measures to keep tourism sustainable and mitigate seasonality in strategic destination planning is increasingly apparent.

Economic hardship during the low season

When destinations enter their low season, demand for local goods and services often decreases substantially. This depends on the destination’s reliance on its tourism industry.

For destinations with high social and economic reliance on tourism, the results can be very alarming. When visitor numbers drop, people may lose their jobs and income, putting pressure on their household budgets.

Places with high seasonality have difficulty getting outside investment because people think they won’t make as much money overall. This is because spending and growth are not consistent, even if the place has a popular holiday season.

Seasonal employment

One pivotal challenge facing destination management organizations is the intricate puzzle of seasonal employment. Places with fluctuating demand use temporary contracts to hire more staff during busy times. However, the company releases these staff members when demand decreases.

Some people, such as adventurous working holidaymakers, find these contracts suitable. But in certain areas, they become the main source of income for residents throughout the entire year. The consequence? A pervasive shadow of seasonal unemployment looms over destinations, casting a gloomy veil of poverty. Notorious among these are ski destinations, where extended closures outside peak times exacerbate the issue.

In addition, many places struggle to staff their businesses adequately during peak periods. This happened most recently in 2021-2022 with the easing of COVID restrictions in the USA. However, this is not the first time it has happened, and it will likely be an issue for future ski seasons. Thus, developing a sustainable employment solution is vital when curtailing seasonality in strategic destination planning.

What are some strategies to mitigate seasonality in strategic destination planning?

Seasonality can really bring destinations to their breaking point. At Solimar International, we work with destinations to develop comprehensive strategies to prevent this. No single technique will eliminate seasonality; however, using a careful mix of different techniques can mitigate the issue. These techniques can include economic, marketing, and societal dimensions to tackle seasonality in strategic destination planning from all sides.

The Louvre. Whilst seasonality remains moderate in Paris, where the Louvre is, overtourism is high, and is a key concern for the protection of the Louvre's artwork.

The Louvre, a very prominent tourist destination in Paris, France, often overrun by tourists, especially in peak holiday seasons. This can affect the integrity of the artwork inside. (Photo Credit: Pixabay)

Strategic destination planning technique 1: Implementation of a seasonal pricing strategy

When the weather is not conducive for tourism, there must be another compelling reason to visit the destination. Altering prices is a great way to encourage people who want to travel on a budget. Increasing prices in peak season to subsidize cheaper prices in low season means that average income remains the same.

Most hotels often use demand-based pricing to maintain steady revenue flows. Airlines also use seasonal pricing and service offerings to increase yields from tourism. Local businesses can make use of seasonal pricing in their service offering.

In peak season, restaurants can increase their menu prices, entry fees, and range of services to attract greater yield. During slow times, businesses can link together to offer affordable package deals that attract visitors and increase spending. This incentivization allows the destination to defy seasonality in strategic destination planning, increasing yields from tourism to benefit the local economy.

Strategic destination planning technique 2: Target locals and domestic tourists

Locals are fantastic people to target when attempting to combat seasonality. Low barriers to tourism, such as lower cost and distance, increase their propensity to travel in off-peak times. These times of the year are quieter and are likely to attract locals who wish to have a more relaxing experience.

An example was the Victorian travel voucher scheme, which encouraged tourism within Victoria, Australia, in late 2020. The vouchers gave a $200 discount on tourism in regional Victoria, if customers met certain requirements. Customers had to spend at least $400 on activities, lodging, or tours in regional Victoria to use them.

This helped regenerate tourism after a period when tourism numbers were at an all-time low. The DMO used this plan during the aftermath of the COVID-19 lockdown. However, destination managers can also use it to fight against seasonal changes. In Australia, this strategy is part of a broader narrative to create a ‘tourist mindset‘, bolstering domestic visitation.

With a strong domestic tourism economy, cheaper, shorter travel leisure trips help to fill in gaps in low periods, aiding stability. This is particularly important in areas with high economic reliance on tourism.

Strategic destination planning technique 3: Development of a broader product and package range

Creating tourism products and packages for low and shoulder season tourism are great ways to combat seasonality. Every destination has something to offer at all times of the year, even if it is not their hallmark product.

A great example of this are “four season resorts” (and no, we are not just talking about the lavish hotel chain), where unique experiences are offered at all times of the year.

Guests can enjoy skiing in winter, swimming in summer, and other indoor activities like ice skating or leisure treatments. Operators can also create special deals for conferences and MICE events for low season to fill in the gaps. Ensuring that there are no times when the tourist does not have a reason to go is key in combatting seasonality in strategic destination planning.

A prominent example of this is, coincidentally, the “Four Seasons” Resort in Whistler, British Columbia. While most prominently a ski resort for winter months, it also offers experiences in fall, summer and spring. Combined with adjusting season rates and other seasonality adjustments, the resort brings in visitation year-round. This preserves jobs and ensures stability for the destination, even if there are minor fluctuations in seasonality patterns.

Whistler, Canada, the location of an all-seasons resort that aims to mitigate seasonality

Whistler, Canada, the location of an all-season resort that caters to tourists throughout the year, not just the winter peak. (Photo Credit: Brigitte Werner/Pixabay)

Key takeaways to eliminate seasonality in strategic destination planning

The bottom line is tourism will happen if tourists are happy and will slow if they are not. The key to any successful strategy lies in how customers respond. This comes down to the needs of the tourism segment in your market and the external environment. Listening to both customers and the needs of society and the environment is vital in creating a sustainable tourism strategy.

For price-sensitive tourists, seasonal pricing of airfares or hotels may be an effective approach. However, in areas frequented by more affluent tourists, enhancing the quality and breadth of tourism offerings can serve as a better incentive.

Monitoring peaks and troughs in tourism activity and their repercussions on the broader economy, society, and environment is paramount. If local communities, infrastructure, and natural ecosystems are adversely affected by fluctuating tourist numbers throughout the year, proactive measures are necessary.

If you’re considering a trip, it’s an opportune moment to reconsider your travel timing and approach. Sustainability concerns aren’t solely the responsibility of destination marketing organizations; significant changes can stem from individual behavioral adjustments. Opting for off-peak travel times and educating yourself about current issues in your destination can contribute to mitigating adverse impacts.

Solimar’s tourism expertise helps you create a captivating story that promotes tourism all year, not just in peak season. Want to help implement sustainable tourism solutions? Learn more about our virtual internship opportunities here

Fish-eye style photo of two Gen Z backpackers riding on a motorbike, a sustainable form of transportation. They are driving on a rural road in central Vietnam, surrounded by rolling hills covered with beautiful green plants. Photo by Jordan Opel on Unsplash.

Tourism is a constantly changing industry that works best when it can anticipate and adapt to new trends amongst tourists. It’s in the best interest of destination management organizations (DMOs) to frequently engage in tourism planning, and to consistently navigate changing trends and adjust to new demographics. As we prepare for the changes to come in 2024, let’s take a look at how Gen Z travel trends are shaking up the tourism industry.

Why Focus on Gen Z Travelers?

Members of Gen Z are typically considered to be those born between 1997 and 2012. In the United States, they make up over 20% of the population. They’re diverse, well-educated, technologically savvy, and are likely to make big changes to many industries across the board.

You might be wondering why it’s so important for destinations to consider Gen Z when it’s still a relatively small percentage of spenders—the youngest members aren’t even teenagers yet, and the oldest are just entering their mid-20s. Here are a few reasons why it’s important to keep this group in mind: 

  • The oldest members of Gen Z will have recently graduated college and are entering the workforce. They’ll be flexing their new spending power with a growing disposable income.
  • Gen Z is among the most eager to travel after COVID-19. Many were sent home from study abroad programs or had to cancel plans for gap-year travels due to the pandemic.
  • Younger Gen Z can have a strong influence when planning family vacations. This is a significant consideration when family travel makes up about 30% of the travel industry.

Read on to discover how Gen Z likes to travel, and the trends that are changing the travel industry.

Social Media Driven Wanderlust

A young Gen Z traveler is taking a photo for her travel blog. She is standing in front of a large wall covered with light and dark blue tiles, with windows letting in lots of natural light, in Barcelona, Spain. Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash.
A Gen Z travel blogger photographs a beautiful blue tile wall in Barcelona, Spain. Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash.

Gone are the days of brick-and-mortar travel agencies or dusty guide books listing off the same ‘cities that everyone needs to see before they die’.

Online resources are the predominant method for modern travelers to use when developing their travel plans. TikTok has frequently been regarded as Gen Z’s new preferred search engine, with 40% using the app for inspiration (the #travel hashtag on TikTok has over 182 billion views). For Gen Z, active social media use and hyper-connectivity have been dominating features for most of their life. The world is made so much smaller through the internet—never before has someone been able to see and connect with people and places on the other side of the world.

This increasingly globalized world creates an incredible resource for tourism marketing. Tourism has always been a visual industry. People are more willing to travel somewhere if they can see what that place looks like and, by extension, if they can imagine themselves there. Social media can show corners of the world that may never have been highlighted by the traditional travel brochures or guide books, inspiring waves of people to explore off the beaten path.

Across all industries, influencers have largely replaced traditional forms of advertising and marketing. People are much more willing to engage with a product if they feel that they can trust the source. Travel influencers are able to uniquely market destinations in a way that comes across as authentic and relatable, and is the Gen Z travel trend that may have the biggest impact in how the tourism industry looks in the future.

Travel influencers in Tunisia

Solimar has recognized the importance of social media use in destination marketing, as can be seen through our collaboration with the USAID Visit Tunisia project. The campaign, called “Tounes Lik”, worked with two travel influencers to promote domestic tourism in Tunisia, and at the time of this blog post’s publication, saw a major increase in engagement with the campaign’s social media pages: a 37% follower increase on Facebook and 300% follower increase on Instagram. In this follow-up blog, Visit Tunisia celebrated an increase in bookings for the companies featured in the “Tounes Lik” social media content, proving that these travel influencers had a direct impact on the domestic tourism industry in Tunisia.

It’s crucial for destinations to have a strong online presence. Accounts on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are great ways to get the attention of Gen Z travelers, and intentional collaboration with travel influencers and content creators can promote businesses and destinations to viewers all around the world. 

Developing Digital Nomad Havens

A Gen Z traveler sits on a sandy beach with the ocean in the background. She is leaning against a bright orange suitcase and is working remotely on both her phone and laptop. Photo by Anastasia Nelen on Unsplash.
Gen Z traveler sits on the beach, leaning against her suitcase and looking at both her phone and laptop. Photo by Anastasia Nelen on Unsplash.

A digital nomad is someone who moves to another country with the intention of working remotely for an employer in their home country. As remote work becomes increasingly common across many industries worldwide, many Gen Z individuals are opting to exchange the typical office lifestyle for a life on the road. This trend increased following the COVID-19 pandemic, when many businesses decided to keep employees working from home. Many see remote work as promoting a better work-life balance, and lots of Gen Zers are using this as an opportunity to become a digital nomad.

Many countries are developing digital nomad visas to attract adventurous workers to stay for longer periods. This visa scheme can also help address the problem of “brain dumps” (skilled workers immigrating to other countries to find work). It can also really help to stimulate the local economy following the economic plateau caused by the pandemic. 

Immigration Advice Service listed 42 countries offering some form of digital nomad visas, across Europe, the Caribbean, South America, the Middle East, and Asia. There are many incentives for remote workers to become a digital nomad, including: 

  • Little to no income tax to be paid towards the host country (Croatia, Costa Rica)
  • Lower cost of living, especially for those coming from the United States (The Republic of Georgia, Saint Lucia)
  • A simplified path to extended stay visas and residencies (Greece)

A word of caution: the challenges of digital nomadism

Life as a digital nomad can be sweet. However, the huge influx of wealthy foreigners can sometimes be detrimental to the destinations.

In the time since the visa has been established, the cost of living has risen exponentially in many destinations popular among digital nomads. Mexico and Spain, for example, have seen housing prices skyrocket. This forces the locals to be evicted to make space for those who can afford these rising prices with higher foreign incomes, potentially fostering resentment among the local population.

Digital nomad visas are still relatively new and might not have as many regulations or restrictions as other visa schemes. As Gen Z gets older and more people are sticking to a hybrid work environment, it’s important that digital nomad visas are thoughtfully developed alongside DMOs in order to best support both the traveler and the destination.

Gen Z and Sustainable Tourism Practices

Bright yellow CityCycle bikes are lined up next to the pavement on an urban road in Brisbane, Australia. The popularity of sustainable forms of travel have made these bike rental companies much more common throughout the world. Photo by ZACHARY STAINES on Unsplash.
Photo of many rental bikes lined up on an urban street in Brisbane, Australia. Photo by ZACHARY STAINES on Unsplash.

Gen Z has been reported to be among the most concerned about climate change and is leading the push towards more sustainable tourism practices, as can be seen in Solimar’s webinar concerning sustainable changes to the travel industry following COVID-19. 69% of Gen Z reported feeling strongly about sustainable travel, compared to only 48% of the Baby Boom generation.

This concern over climate change is fueling a change in the tourism industry. Gen Z travelers are trending towards sustainable tourism, and are doing so through experiences that encourage community engagement. Sustainability means more than just the environment; it also covers bolstering the local economy and preservation of the local culture. TrovaTrip has found that Gen Z travelers are more willing to give back while traveling, through community and environmental restoration projects—and Globetrender found that they were 3 times more likely to give back when traveling when compared to other generations.

Some sustainability changes that Gen Z travelers have been making include:

  • Traveling by road or rail instead of by plane
  • Shopping at locally owned businesses, ensuring that money is spent within the local community instead of at foreign-owned businesses
  • Researching tourism providers thoroughly to ensure their sustainability practices are reliable
  • Volunteering with local projects or engaging in community-led efforts to support the environment

Destinations should keep in mind Gen Z’s inclination towards sustainability and understand that it’s becoming a priority for more and more travelers as we continue to operate within the climate crises. Gen Z clearly cares deeply for the destinations they’re traveling to. They’re undertaking a stewardship role when they travel, something that hasn’t really been seen in generations before.

As a whole, Gen Z travel trends are directing the tourism industry towards a more connected and sustainably conscious world. DMOs can help destinations to embrace these trends and develop tourism practices that will positively impact both the traveler and the destination. 

At Solimar International, we help DMOs anticipate these changes in travel trends and develop a proactive plan to help support tourism industries in destinations around the world. For a closer look at the work that DMOs provide to destinations, check out this Solimar blog post.

Want to learn more about sustainable tourism development? Get in touch and be sure to follow along with us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn

“We rely confidently on Solimar's deep technical experience and professionalism as tourism consultants. You always are exceeding our expectations.”
Leila Calnan, Senior Manager, Tourism Services Cardno Emerging Markets

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